The 7 Best Games to Learn English In Groups and Alone

What Qualities Does a Good English-Learning Game Have?

Before we go over the best English-learning games, let’s look at the specific qualities that make for a top-notch language-learning game.

It’s Accurate

First things first, an English-learning game must be accurate to be effective. All grammar structures it uses should be grammatically correct, and all vocabulary words should be spelled and defined correctly.

If there are any problems or inaccuracies in the game, it’s better to avoid it. Using a game with problems like these means you’ll end up learning incorrect information! So always look for a game that’s highly reviewed and has impeccable English.

If you or someone you know is creating a game, make sure you have multiple people check and double-check that the English in it is correct. I suggest getting a native English speaker to look over any games or learning materials you make.

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It’s Effective

Games need to be more than just accurate—they must also be effective at teaching you English. Quality games will help you remember meanings of difficult words and perfect your mastery of grammar patterns through a combination of features such as word associations, images, and repetition.

An ineffective English game, on the other hand, won’t help you recall what you’ve learned or test your English skills enough.

It’s Fun

The whole point of games is that they’re supposed to be fun! A good English game will not only teach you English but also entertain you as you play it. Some of the best English games are those that make you forget you’re actually learning!

Of course, what I think is fun might not be the same as what you think is fun, so it’s important to always look for a game that aligns with your interests while also targeting the English you want to practice.

It’s Easy to Play

Finally, a good English game is one that has clear rules and is easy to learn how to play. You shouldn’t need to spend a lot of time learning the rules of the game; ideally, you’ll be able to read a description or play through the game once or twice in order to understand what you must do to win.


Hangman is a classic spelling game known throughout many English-speaking countries. This game is a “one vs. group” game in which one person faces off against a group of people.

Materials: Blackboard, whiteboard, or piece of paper; chalk, marker, or pen

Summary: One person, whom we’ll call the “chooser,” selects a mystery word and writes down a blank for each letter in it. People in the group then take turns guessing a letter. For each incorrect guess, the chooser draws part of a hangman. For each correct guess, the chooser fills in the missing letters wherever they appear in the word. Play ends when either the mystery word is guessed (in which case the group wins) or when the hangman is complete (in which case the chooser wins).

How Does Hangman Teach You English?

Hangman is a great game for cementing spelling and vocabulary knowledge. You must be able to recognize how letters fit together to form English words as well as know how to spell words so that you can guess the correct letters. Finally, you must know a wide range of vocabulary in order to correctly guess the mystery word.

How to Play Hangman

1. One player selects a mystery word (the other players will guess the word). For example, Helga picks the word “rabbit.” “Rabbit” has six letters in it, so she draws six blanks. She also draws a pole for the hangman and a box for keeping track of any incorrect letters guessed. Here’s an example:

2. One by one, the other plays guess letters. If the letter is in the mystery word, the chooser must write that letter wherever it appears in the word (it might appear more than once). If the letter is not in the word, the chooser writes it in the box and then draws one part of the hangman (most people start with the head). Let’s say Phoebe guesses the letter “H,” Nadine guesses “L,” Harold guesses “E,” and Arnold guesses “B.” Helga writes the incorrect letters in the box and the correct letters in the word; she also draws three parts of the hangman:

3. Play continues until the mystery word is guessed OR the hangman is complete. If someone in the group guesses the correct word, they win! If the group doesn’t guess the word, however, the chooser (in the example above, Helga) wins. A complete hangman usually has a head, a body, two arms, two legs, and a face.

Tips for Playing Hangman

  • Guess common letters first! Most native English speakers start by guessing some of the most common letters in words, which include all vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and the consonants “r,” “s,” and “t.”
  • For a slightly easier game, use categories. For example, let’s say before Helga chose the word “rabbit,” she told the group she’d be choosing a word from the category “Animals.” This makes it easier to figure out which letters and words you should guess.
  • For a more difficult hangman game, use phrases instead of single words. Be sure to clearly indicate where spaces between words are (I find it’s helpful to insert long vertical lines between words).
  • If you’re the chooser, write down the word you’ve picked on a (hidden) piece of paper. You can use this to ensure you’ve written down the correct number of blanks and are spelling the word right.
  • Consider ahead of time what a complete hangman looks like. You might want to talk it over with your group to determine how much you can draw until a hangman is complete. Most people draw the following body parts:
  • A head
  • A body
  • Two legs
  • Two arms
  • Two eyes
  • A nose
  • A mouth

However, you may also draw the following:

  • Two ears
  • Two hands
  • Two feet
  • Two eyebrows