Academic Publication

Selected Publications

  • Gender, attractiveness, and judgment of impropriety: The case of accountants (forthcoming), joint with Shtudiner Z., European Journal of Political Economy. [Download]

  • Judging Severity of Unethical Workplace Behavior: Attractiveness and Gender as Status Characteristics (forthcoming), joint with Shtudiner Z, BRQ Business Research Quarterly. [Download]

  • Cyber security knowledge, cyber threat awareness and cyber user behavior: A comparative behavioral study of Israel, Poland, Slovenia and Turkey. (2020). joint with Zwilling, M., Lesjak, D., Wiechetek, L., Faith, C., and Hamdullah, N.B. Journal of Computer Information System. 1-16. [Download]

  • Act Your Age? The Connection Between Age, Intrapreneurship, Social Capital and Performances. (2019)., joint with Ben-Hador, B. Employee Relation, 42(2), 349-365. [Download]

  • The effect of the advisors' gender on the investment's perceived Quality in the bank and investment houses. (forthcoming), joint with Shtudiner, Z. and Zwilling, M. Research on Regulation . (Hebrew)

  • The Question of Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms' Legitimacy in the Eyes of the General Public and Lenders (forthcoming), joint with Zwilling, M.. and, Shtudiner Z. Israel Affairs.

  • The Value of Souvenirs: Endowment Effect and Religion (2019), joint with Shtudiner Z., Zwilling, M. and, Kantor, J. Annals of Tourism Research, 74, 17-32. [Download]

  • Contact Theory in the Workplace: The Case of Jewish-Arab Contact in Israel (2019), joint with Shtudiner Z,, Kantor, J. Molov, B. and Lavy, C. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29(2), 146-164 . [Download]

  • How Religiosity Affects the Attitudes of Communities towards Tourism in a Sacred City: The Case of Jerusalem (2018), joint with Shtudiner Z,, and Kantor, J, Tourism Management, 69, 167-179. [Download]

  • Can Incivility Inhibit Intrapreneurship?. (2017), joint with Itzkovich, Y The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 26(1), 27-50. [Download]

  • Sensemaking and sensegiving as predicting organizational crisis,. (2017), joint with Echous, E. Risk Management: A Journal of Risk, Crisis and Disaster. 19, 225–244. [Download]

  • Who is Responsible for Economic Failures? Self-Serving Bias and Fundamental Attribution Error in Political Context (2017), joint with Shtudiner Z,, and Kantor, J,, Quality and Quantity, 51(1), 335-350. [Download]

  • Experiential learning in management education. (2017), joint with Echous, E., and Kantor, J.Business, Management and Education, 15(1), 42–56. [Download]

  • Trust in Others: Does it Affect Investment Decisions? (2016), joint with Shtudiner Z, Quality and Quantity, 50(5), 1949-1967. [Download]

  • Trying to make rational decisions while employing intuitive reasoning: A Look at the due-diligence process using the dual-system reasoning model. (2016). International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management . 20, (3/4), 214-234 .[Download]

  • Different Thinking or Similar Models: Do Entrepreneurs and Franchisees Apply the Same Decision-Making Models Prior to Establishing a Company (2016). Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 9 (3), 342-357. [Download]

  • Evaluation of core and symbolic capabilities during due-diligence process in new biotechnology firms.(2014) International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 11 (6). 1-20. [Download]

working papers

  • Three Layers of Support: Personal Social Capital, Intra-organizational Social Capital and Organizational Support as Antecedents for Intrapreneurial Activities and Employee Performance. joint with Ben-Hador, B.

  • Boundary Spanning Roles and Social Capital: The Case of Project Managers and Intrapreneurial Behaviors with Ben-Hador, B..

  • Measuring personal social capital (PSC), with Ben-Hador, B. and Echouse, E..

  • Job security during times of external crisis: The effect of leadership style on employee-company relationships during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis" with Dalgaz, M., Expected date of completion: 06/2021

  • The connection between intraprenurial, regulatory focus, connection with managers (LMX) and organizational engagement, with Dalgaz, M.,

  • P2P lenders' risk aversion and time perefence, with Shtudiner, Z. and Zwilling, M.

  • The influence of team efficacy and intra-group relationship on performance and attribution. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice, joint with Echous, E, & Kantor, J.

  • Ethical Obligation and Compliance with Unethical Requests: The Case of a HR Recruitment Agency . joint with Ben-Hador, B.

  • Emotional valence and stock prices in a crisis: the case of TEVA. Eurasian Business Review (ISI, Journal Impact Factor 2.143). joint wiht Taussig, R. D., and Eckhaus, E.