Resources & Policies

BCH has many resources and policies to support work concerns and protect the civil rights of its employees. Below are links to some of them. 

BCH Resources

Doctors Offering Coping Support. A peer-support program offering support by physicians for physicians who are experiencing distress related directly or indirectly to their work environment.  Ph: (617) 355-6705 

Office of Clinician Support.  The OCS offers an unbiased and impartial perspective place to voice concerns, evaluate situations, organize thoughts, and decide what is important according to a clinician's specific circumstances. The OCS also helps identify other resources that may be useful. The OCS assures confidentiality and is independent of the hospital administration so that the clinician has a "safe place to talk." Ph: (617) 355-6705

Office of Immigration Services. Provides departments/divisions and international scholars, researchers, and employees with basic information about different types of visa and permanent residency petitions sponsored by Boston Children's Hospital. Ph: 617-355-6369 (Ask for the attorney on-call).

Ombuds Office. The Ombuds Office provides the opportunity to have confidential, impartial, informal, and independent discussions about work-related concerns. Ph: (617) 355-2865

HMS Ombuds Office: (617) 432-4041 

BCH Policies

Childcare Assistance Policy

Diversity, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy

Employee Extraordinary Needs Policy & Fund. Access the form here. 

Gender Identity, Transgender, and Gender Transition in the Workplace

Policy Against Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment and Retaliation 

Policy Against Sexual Harassment 

Pregnancy and Pregnancy Related Accommodations 

Religious Accommodation 

If an individual is subject to harassment, bullying, or discrimination, they need to contact the Kirby Center’s Leadership, Human Resources, or the Anonymous Compliance Hotline (888) 801-2805, which is available 24/7.

DID YOU KNOW?  The Kirby Center has two designated ombudspeople, Amy Weinberg and Zhigang He. Contact them with any work-related concerns and they will initiate an appropriate discussion forum.

Is there a resource you would like to add? Contact Jordan Bessette