Buddy Program

Entering a new working environment presents its own set of challenges, uncertainties, and questions. For these reasons, we've launched the Kirby Buddy Program! 

Kirby Buddy Program

What is the Kirby Buddy Program?

The Buddy Program is an opportunity for new colleagues to meet someone from the Kirby Center who can help you acclimate as you begin your time with us. Whether you are an Administrator or Research Assistant, Trainee or Post-Doc, we have a buddy for you. Your buddy is an additional resource for you to ask questions, learn about opportunities outside of your lab, and talk to about your experiences at the Kirby Center. 

Who is my buddy?

Your buddy is someone who has already worked at the Kirby Center for a little while and can share their insights and experiences with you. They use their knowledge of the Kirby Center, Boston Children's Hospital, and our departmental culture to give you advice, help you navigate your new working environment, and get involved with the Kirby Center outside of your lab. Your relationship with your buddy is meant to be friendly instead of formal, so we will never pair you with a Manager, Faculty, or PI. 

When and where will I connect with my buddy?

Shortly after signing up for the Buddy Program, your buddy will reach out via email to establish contact, introduce themself, and schedule an initial time to meet with you in person. You and your buddy will then coordinate to meet at a frequency of your choosing. Of course, after you feel integrated into life at the Kirby Center, we hope that you and your buddy will continue to reach out to each other independently.

How do I sign up for the Buddy Program?

Signing up for a buddy is easy! Simply fill out this Google form and we will pair you with our best match as soon as possible.