Nitin Saxena

Phd student

nitinbiotech31 [at]

I am broadly interested in evolution and behaviour. I did my B.Tech in Biotechnology from Jaipur National University. Soon after, I joined as a project assistant in Prof. Vishwesha Guttal’s lab at CES in Jan 2014. Here I was trying to understand the pattern of evolution of collective movement in fish and birds across various taxa using phylogenetic approach. This built the basis for my current PhD work (started in Aug 2016) with Prof. Kavita Isvaran and Prof. Vishwesha Guttal . For my PhD work, I am looking into the evolution of migration in birds and interaction of different selection pressures in shaping the course of evolution. Among various other things that I love to try, I have found myself really engrossed with two things. One is the idea of teaching and making learning a more fun and comprehensive experience. Second is counseling specially in academia. I would love to continue with my interests in the long run.