
phd student

jayabharathyr [at] gmail.com



Behaviour, Evolution

PhD Research

My thesis research work is on strategies that males adopt when acquiring mates in a lekking population of blackbuck. Leks are communal mating grounds where males aggregate and defend mating territories visited by females. On blackbuck leks, males holding territories constantly engage in fights, visual displays and scent-marking to keep out intruders and attract females. I aimed to understand the variation in male behaviour in relation to female visitation patterns, influence of male-male interactions and determine physiological correlates in terms of reproductive and stress-related hormones. I have submitted my thesis and awaiting reviews.

Past Work

Prior to joining CES I completed a bachelors degree in industrial biotechnology from Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai. For my final semester project I studied the breeding system of an invasive weed, Lantana camara. This project though tangential to my degree was valuable in exposing me to working on questions in the broad field of evolutionary biology.

Currently working with Seed2Sapling Education

I am working as content developer with a start-up (http://s2seducation.com/). We work with teachers to implement inquiry-based learning approach to education in schools. I am also interested in Early Childhood Education. I have worked as an assistant teacher in the Kindergarten of Bangalore Steiner School (2017-2018).