Current Members

PhD students

I study factors affecting sexual signalling in Psammophilus dorsalis

I am studying the multistage interactions (trade-offs) between different stages of Aedes aegypti

I am studying the spatio-temporal effects of sexual selection on trait allometries in Psammophilus dorsalis.

I am broadly interested in animal behavior and life-history trait evolution. I am working on decision-making and anti-predatory behavior in Psammophilus dorsalis

Abigail Haokip

I’m broadly interested in animal behavior and ecology and I’m planning to study aspects of these in Psammophilus dorsalis

Post doc


I study vector-borne diseases under a OneHealth approach using Bengaluru as a model city.

Master in Life Science (MS-LS) students

Anoushka Datta

I am broadly interested in the chemical and behavioural ecology of insects. I'm planning to investigate factors affecting mosquito dispersal and mate choice.

Master's Thesis student

Gayathri Pramod

I am interested in animal behaviour and sexual selection. My master's research focuses on exploring variation in female mate choice and mating system in the rock agama, Psammophilus dorsalis

Aaditya Gupta

I'm interested in animal behaviour and natural histories and I'm looking at host parasite interactions, and the implications on host using Psammophilus dorsalis, the Indian rock agama.

Project Assistant

SUKANYA samaddar

My work focuses on the effect of predation on the early life stages of Aedes aegypti. I am looking for the changes in the life history traits and the biochemical reserves across the life stages. 

Lab Manager

I joined Dr. Kavita Isvaran's lab in 2018. I am currently in charge of the mosquito colony and manage the paper works of the lab.

I am also handling the administration of Dr. Vishwesha Guttal’s lab.

Field Assistant

Currently serving as a field assistant at Rishi Valley, Andhra Pradesh, I am actively supporting the research endeavours on Indian Rock Lizards of Dr. Kavita Isavaran's lab at CES, IISc Bengaluru since 2007. Simultaneously, I am contributing to the long-term plant phenology project under the guidance of Dr. Suhel Quader at NCF Bengaluru. My responsibilities involve training new students, meticulous data collection, fieldwork execution, and ensuring the smooth progress of both projects.