Kalinzu Forest Overview

Kalinzu Forest situates in the south-west of Uganda, approximately 350km apart from Kampala. Adjacent to Maramagambo Forest, it  is one of the largest forest blocs in Uganda. Maramagambo forest is a part of Queen Elizabeth National Park, where savanna fauna such as elephants or lions are rich. 

Climate has two dry seasons from June to August and around January. Annual rainfall is around 1,400mm and it has somewhat cool weather due to high altitude. The forest consists of four forest types. Secondary forests include Musanga, Myrianthus, Carapa, Trema, etc. Mature forests have higher forest canopies, dominated by Parinari, Strombosia, Drypetes. Fig trees (Ficus spp) can be found everywhere  and offer foods for primates through the year.

The scenery of Kalinzu Forest from Omubare Hill. The opposite is Sunzu Hill.

NFA (National Forest Authority) divides forest into four zones for effective use and conservation of the forest.


Hail falls sometimes.

Various type of mushrooms can be seen during rainy season.

Pioneer tree species grow in the forest gap, made by big trees falling down.

Since the forest and savanna are adjacent to each other, not only mammals and birds but also reptiles and insects are abundant.






Green pigeon


Immature Crowned Eagle

Crowned Eagle



Kite Spider

Hadada Ibis


Footprint of elephant


Gaboon viper

Bush viper



Kalinzu Study Tour

Kalinzu Forest Project (KFP) holds ecotourism in collaboration with travel agencies Dosojin and NFA (Uganda Forest Authority). You can walk through the Kalinzu forest, safely observe chimpanzees and other wild primates, and enjoy the atmosphere of the tropical forest and local village.

Observing chimpanzees

Memorial photo with wild chimpanzees

With trackers of Kalinzu

Experience local cuisine

The hut for tourists

The night sky from the hut