
Main target for our research is the M group, which consists  of about 100 individuals. Sunzu group and West group inhabit nearby M group. Sunzu group is the target of chimpanzee observation tour managed by NFA (Uganda Forestry Bureau). The details of West group are unknown.

Chimpanzees are nomadic. They move looking for their foods and they sleep wherever they like. Chimpanzees are semi-terrestrial and use both arboreal and terrestrial positions freely in daytime. Their main foods are fruits, but they consume many types of food items, such as young leaf, ant, herb, bark, etc.

Myrianthus fruits are one of their favorite foods.

Myrianthus young leaves are also liked

Bipedal walking on tree branches

Grooming on the ground

Yawning during a nap


They don't care who is below when urinating 

A male under the urinating male ran away

He sat away from the urinating male  and looked back at him

Traces of a chimpanzee's hand (fist), by  knuckle-walking.

 Footprint of a hind leg.

Crossing tea plantation to opposite forest.

A male chimpanzee is eating driver ants using tools

Eating tree bark

They sleep on their own making bed in trees before sun sets