Software Setup

Setting up the angular interface

Setting up the firebase emulator

The setup of the emulators is done with:

firebase init emulators

and starting the emulators:

Setting up the JAVA background server for the local simulator

The server directory is the top directory of the DatasetBackgroundServices package.  Through eclipse, a jar file will all the dependent packages is created using the maven command:

clean compile install package

This generates a jar file in the target directory:


With this jar file the background server can be started with:

java -jar ./target/background-jar-with-dependencies.jar

But before this is run, the environment has to be set up. First the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS have to set up:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/opt/google-cloud-sdk/blurock-database-d459a6823e7d.json

using the generated key from the IAM services for this project.

In addition, the authentification emulator host has to be set up:

export FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9099

without this you might get an error like: Firebase ID token has no "kid" claim.