Role of Ontology

JThermodynamicsCloud is software service for the chemical, or more specifically, the combustion research domain.  The complete service is a system with three interacting components, a user interface using Angular, a (RESTful) backend written in JAVA and the Google Firestore noSQL document database and Firebase storage. The service uses these three components to make calculations for thermodynamic quantities based on molecular species structure. The calculation itself is highly dependent on the varied types of molecular data found in the database.The primary purpose of the system is to perform the calculation and manage the data needed to make the calculation.

JThermodynamicsCloud service can be said to be an ontology driven application. The three components and the data management within these services are based on different platforms, the interface is Angular based on typescript, the RESTful backend services are written in JAVA using JSON objects for data structures and the database is Google Firestore. These different platforms are united through the ontology. All definitions and methodologies within all three systems of the service have a corresponding ontology classes. This means that communication between systems also has an ontology reference. In particular the data structures. This is particularly important because the data structure forms in each of the systems are in a free format of property name and untyped value pairs. The ontology provides the underlying structure by defining the property name and the information that field contains. The ontology definitions are translated to the exact data structures within each of the respective systems. In all systems, the data structure is a JSON like data structure.

The ontology as used by the service has three distinct purposes:

Motivations and Use of Ontologies

The ontology is used throughout the system in multiple capacities: