Calculation Interface

Calculation of Thermodynamics

The JThermodynamic calculation interface has four parts:

Calculation Setup

This is the basic interface to the caluculation:

Units of Calculation Results

The result contributions of the JThermodynamic calculation are given as Standard Entropy, Standard Entropy and a set of Heat Capacity value given at a specified number of temperatures. Within the setup of the thermodynamic calculation, the units of the final answer(s) can be given. So for each of parameter values, the units are specified through 'Units of Value'. This is a pull down list of possibilities as specified by the 'Unit Class'. Only the 'Unit Class' and the 'Parameter Label' should/can be modified (the interface may be simplified in later versions -- The current presentation represents the total parameter specification).

Thermodynamic Contributions

In the 'Result' tab is the individual contributions that have be found are visualized. This includes:

Further information, the information behind the summarized contributions, can be found. The 'Show Units' button reveals the exact parameter specification of the parameters (this is basically the same as the 'Setup' menu. On the right side of each contribution row, there is a button which can be used to provide additional information about the contribution. this includes the original database object associated with the contribution which holds, among other things, bibiliographic references and links to the source of the database object (traceability of the contribution).

JSON Representation

Under the Json tab is the JSON representation of the thermodynamic contribution. Basically, the raw data and the source of the contribution from the database. JSON is the representation used by the database. 

This is meant mainly for debugging purposes.


During the calculation, a log of how the contributions were calculated is given. This output could be useful if, for example, a specific contribution is wrong or is missing. This log gives an accounting of what happened during the calculation.