The Cloud 9 Network is a compilation of several Star Citizen organizations with additional online groups external to the universe sim. Dating back to 2016—the year 2946 in the Star Citizen timeline—beginning with the founding of the Cloud 9 organization, the group quickly expanded its structure with the creation and integration of the external group Cloud 9 Games, where C9 members could meet to then participate in various online games together. We formed some clans and guilds through C9G, although focus eventually turned mostly to Star Citizen. C9G has since been adjusted and is now both an org and external group.
Around the same time those groups were created, a multi-org group, originally called The Collaborative, was created with the purpose of serving as an org-agnostic and neutral communications space for group activities. News of it was not yet shared with the world, as the priority was first to build up Cloud 9, so it only received occasional concept updates. At the time, it was only intended to function as an external group. That group has sense been renamed and restructured to additionally function as an org-of-orgs.
In 2019 (2949), only a few years after the inception of the law-abiding Cloud 9 organization, the outlaw Nebula 9 organization was founded. Its purpose: to provide C9 citizen crewmates with opportunities to participate in extralegal and illegal activities. As a result of the introduction of the reputation system in Star Citizen, to where one person could not maximize the benefits of both lawful and unlawful activities, the prerequisite for N9 membership included the need for a separate RSI account. During one of the presentations at CitizenCon 2954, CIG announced that it will eventually be possible for users to have multiple characters on one account. After that feature has been introduced, Nebula 9 may no longer require a separate account for membership.
Similar to the two external groups—C9G and the former Collaborative—Nebula 9 was set aside while focus remained on Cloud 9. In fact, Nebula 9 remained a secret for the next 5 years while the original org underwent early days of development, such as experimental crews, which would eventually lead to the establishing of fleet and crew processes and the Cloud 9 Handbook.
Fast forward a few more years to 2024 (2954), and we have the introduction of an assortment of new organizations in the network with the additions of integrations of the external components into the context of the persistent universe. Any time CIG adjustments have been made that have introduced limitations or restrictions, we have found ways to adhere to those changes while also giving our members ways to participate in group activities such that they can have a more enrichening experience in the sim.
Just as N9 was created after the reputation system was added, so too were the creations of more career-focused organizations so that the same larger group of people can continue to represent and be loyal to that same larger group regardless of the limitations of any individual group within it only being able to align with one guild at a time.
More NPC guilds now exist, and as such, so too now do more Cloud 9 orgs. Even if or when future changes occur again through CIG in these ways, we can always restructure again as needed, while our structural expansions will remain for the flexibility of operability.
Before we introduce our new orgs, here's an overview of our original one and how it is both remaining the same and changing to suit the needs of the evolving 'verse.
Introducing Reintroducing the Cloud 9 organization:
Cloud 9
The Cloud 9 organization, the original org of all of our orgs, maintains its original purpose as an Exploration organization, while continuing to cover areas in Resources and Survival.
The difference, moving forward, is that the Cloud 9 org will no longer place as much weight of priority on the areas of activities that will be covered by our other orgs, while additionally serving as the introductory org for the other orgs. What that means is that all Cloud 9 Professions will continue to be covered within the Cloud 9 organization, just within these contexts while the more focused aspects of them are being handed off to our other orgs.
All of the other orgs are Cloud 9 (that term alone, without specification of the organization), and mention of Cloud 9 applies to all of them. The others are also unique in that they have opportunities to take shape in different ways. As operating units of Cloud 9, leadership in the other orgs technically report to leadership in the Cloud 9 org, yet in some ways with more of a flattened hierarchical structure.
One of the most fundamental aspects of the Cloud 9 organization that does not exist in its purest form in any of our other orgs is Exploration. Accompanying that core component is the alignment with the Academy of Science, the NPC guild that will provide contracts via associated NPC factions in the 'verse.
Historically, the topic of exploration has always been at the forefront of Cloud 9, regardless of when it has had one or two orgs, or will have ten or more in its network. Due to the importance of that area of focus, we have an Exploration Division and Exploration Initiative, with details provided in the Cloud 9 Handbook.
Additional activities categorized within the departments in the Exploration Division that Cloud 9 crews will cover include Xenology (C9XEN), Expedition & Pathfinding (C9EAP), Construction (C9CON) (with Solaris), Search & Rescue (C9SAR/exploration), Engineering (C9ENG/management), Networking (C9NET), Governance (C9GOV), and "Unlisted" (for crews interested in RP).
The Cloud 9 org is home to the first three crews—Phoenix, the Runners, and Euphoria—all of which are part of the onboarding and initial training processes for incoming crewmates, and with Euphoria additionally serving as the first crew and the first exploration crew in the Cloud 9 First Fleet. Both Phoenix and Runners provide initial field ops training and, while not doing that, operate in a unique capacity, sometimes outside the fleet; for this reason, the aim is for the most elite and versatile among our citizens to become established crewmates in those crews.
We will have overlap across our orgs and the NPC guilds in many regards, with one of them being construction. While benefits to building bases may be linked to the United Resource Workers NPC guild, the orgs in our network, each of which aligning with a different guild, will work closely together as it pertains to construction, and the Cloud 9 org will take the lead on such matters.
The Cloud 9 organization will also be the central hub for vehicle management on fleet and crew levels. However, each org in our network need not worry about having the necessary vehicles. We have plenty. The founder is handing the keys of his over to all of our orgs. Other members will also have the opportunity to integrate their vehicles into our network, if they so choose.
It will be up to the members of leadership in each of our orgs to coordinate and determine the distribution and management of ships and ground vehicles at our disposal for use among fleets and crews throughout our network. Vehicles designated for use with our orgs are not to be used for personal purposes. Vehicle owners may of course do what they wish with them, although if any property of crewmates are on them or if there are crew plans to use those vehicles, then owners are asked to either treat the vehicles as org vehicles or remove them and we'll use someone else's. Any vehicles intended to be used for personal purposes must be designated as such and kept separate from the rest.
As the lead in the Cloud 9 Network, the Cloud 9 organization oversees Divisions & Branches, Fleets & Crews, and the other organizations, which are operating units within the network. Leadership in each org is part of the leadership in the network.
Introducing 5 new organizations as operating units of the Cloud 9 Network:
Horizon Health
Also called Cloud 9 Horizon, this group focuses on medical professions and aligns with any existing medical aspects or such aspects that potentially will exist in the Academy of Science guild.
Horizon exists to heal and save lives, but it goes beyond that. It is a critical component of the Survival Division and central to our organizational network's Survival Initiative.
Among the purposes of Horizon are the building of crews with their own sustained presence in medical facilities on our future land bases and space bases, fully dedicated medical crews in ships and ground vehicles, and medical personnel integrated into the other crews of the Cloud 9 Network.
By having dedicated medical crews, our Horizon personnel can focus on areas like medical research, search and rescue, and other areas of the Academy of Science, just with a medical focus. Additional examples include exploration, farming, and crafting in areas of medicine; even humane hunting for items of medicinal value. Our firefighters take root with Horizon.
Integrating Horizon medical professionals into every crew throughout our organization network makes it possible to have a healer or crew of healers anywhere at any given time, be they on foot via ground operations, EVA in space, or in ships and ground vehicles. No matter the professions that other crews focus on, Horizon is there for them.
We also take the popular concept of security escort to another level and create medical escorts so that even with medical personnel offering support within our other crews, they are not alone in providing healthcare services to our citizens. Our dedicated medical escorts coordinate with our security escorts and noncombat crews to provide a safer experience for everyone.
Vortex Security
Also called Cloud 9 Vortex, this is the more combat-centric group and covers the entire range of activities on par with the topic. Vortex aligns with the Mercenary Guild. Vortex functions in multiple capacities and focuses on the ones in greatest need at the time. As with Horizon, Vortex is critical to the Survival Division and our Survival Initiative. It is here to defend and save lives. It also goes beyond that.
One purpose of Vortex is to build its presence via dedicated crews and escorts, while also injecting personnel throughout our facilities, including future land bases and space bases. It also integrates security personnel into the other crews across our network, so that every crew may have combatants on hand to keep them safe.
There is no limit to the possibilities of application when it comes to our security forces. The professionals in Vortex may focus on any among an array of areas that are part of the Mercenary Guild but need not be exclusive to it. Any of it may span from first-person to ground vehicle and ship combat operations. Topics range from rescuing to defending, patrolling, destroying, killing, recovering, scanning, locating, disabling, extracting, investigating, and accessing data.
Vortex stands strong as a force to defend our other crews who cannot do so entirely on their own. It also operates stylistically as a private military company for the more offensive aspects of battle scenarios, as with infiltration. It even narrows it down to areas such as VIP protection and bounty hunting. Some aspects of it involve going deep into covert operations.
Vortex exists to use the necessary means to secure the people and properties of the Cloud 9 Network.
Solaris Resources
Also called Cloud 9 Solaris, this group is an essential part of our workforce that takes root with the everyday needs of our citizens, without which we could not thrive. We may be able to survive with professionals in the areas of medicine and security, but even they rely upon the services and materials provided by our Solaris crews. Solaris is part of our Resources Division and Resources Initiative.
The engineers of Solaris hold a unique place in our fleets by technically being in the Resources Division while simultaneously both functionally and operationally overlapping with our Survival and Exploration Divisions and by being critical to the success of our Survival Initiative. We make a point to ensure that every crew has, in addition to medical and security professionals, engineering professionals so that anything that can be engineered will have the personnel for it. That includes engineers for first-person items and gear, any future facilities such as land and space bases, and ships and ground vehicles. By integrating our engineers into the other crews of our network, every crew can rest assured that the maintenance, repair, and optimal functional capacity of all related items will be at their best.
Solaris is about more than engineering and repair, and considering the assortment of professions, the other areas of expertise easily hold their own, each with dedicated crews. Among them, Solaris crews cover mining and refining, salvage, gathering fuel and refueling, and some aspects of towing, the latter of which is done in coordination with QC&L, our trade and transport org.
Construction has a special purpose with Solaris, in that by aligning with the United Resource Workers guild, benefits are granted for building and crafting through contracts accepted from associated factions. When it's time to build our land bases and space bases, Solaris will work closely with its parent organization, Cloud 9, on the construction process. This will include professionals and crews with specialties in the areas of claims, acquisitions, construction, and establishments. We will need our Cloud 9 organization's scouts to explore the vast regions of the 'verse for candidate locations to claim, professionals in Horizon and Vortex prepared to acquire and hold on to those lands and regions of space, construction workers from both the Cloud 9 and Solaris orgs to build upon them, and field operatives from Quantum and Olympus trained in running and maintaining operations once they become establishments. We will build our main headquarters and multiple privately operated bases. We aim to build a main public-facing facility for recruitment and commercialization purposes, which will double as a shopping center and branch out to include additional shops across the 'verse. This will be a joint venture with all Cloud 9 orgs.
Quantum Commerce & Logistics
Also known as Cloud 9 Quantum and QC&L, the business of this organization is business. This is the trade and transport operating unit in the Cloud 9 Network.
One of the trade components of Quantum includes the buying, selling, and delivering of products ranging from information to commodities.
Another aspect of trade involves the business operations of Cloud 9 in general. All services and products provided through any organizations in the Cloud 9 Network go through our QC&L offices. While our organizations are part of a corporate presence, which in itself is nested within a more expansive structure, the operations specific to these topics take on their own structure unique to QC&L.
The transportation aspects of Quantum consist of the hauling and recovering of cargo, delivering packages via couriers, transporting passengers, moving vehicles as cargo, towing vehicles (with Solaris), and delivering data.
Aligning with Interstellar Transport Guild, Quantum takes advantage of the benefits by completing contracts provided by the factions associated with that guild.
As a crucial component of our Resources Division and central to the success of our Resources Initiative, Quantum coordinates closely with all of our organizations. This ensures that all data, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and essentially anything within our network have a means of transportation from point A to point B.
When it comes to transporting passengers, Quantum is more than just a taxi service. We overlap with several other organizations in our network to provide services in tourism, which in itself ranges from the more casual tours that are budget-friendly for customers to the more luxurious ones for those who can afford it.
As the saying goes: "To see it done well, go QC&L!"
Olympus Entertainment
Also called Cloud 9 Olympus, two of our main categories of activities are media and competition. An assortment of competitive sports are included through our alignment with the Imperial Sports Federation, such as racing, marksmanship, parkour, and industrial competitions.
The industrial part of that applies a twist to the usual activities in Solaris and QC&L. Some examples include mining, loading, salvaging, and repairing items and products in record times and in other competitive formats that may introduce obstacles. All three organizations coordinate on those events.
Olympus also collaborates with Vortex on marksmanship competitions, which include events in Star Marine as well as target shooting, hunting, and even our Cloud 9 Foam Tag Championships, a multi-team bracket stylized similar to laser tag sports only in this case using nerf guns.
Competitive crews are made up of Olympians who run operations in ways unlike any of our other organizations. At some point in the future, we will also make arrangements to have internal competitions between Olympus and Cloud 9 Games in areas like racing, industrial, marksman, and parkour.
Unique to our organizations are how we plan on implementing our take on news and various forms of media. We will establish news crews that will provide coverage in a few formats, including online articles, radio, and TV, with the aim to integrate all of those within the 'verse, whenever it becomes possible.
We will take that and go another step by entering the world of radio, television, and movie entertainment. Through the parent media company, Cloud 9 Media, managed by our parent organization, Cloud 9, we will establish our Cloud 9 Media Network (C9MN), which will contain subsidiaries each with their own channels. Among them will be Cloud 9 Movies (C9Movies), Cloud 9 TV (C9TV), Cloud 9 Radio (C9Radio), Cloud 9 News (C9News), and a subnetwork, Cloud 9 Entertainment (C9Entertainment/C9ENT), which will produce content for C9Movies, C9TV, and C9Radio.
C9Entertainment will include the Cloud 9 Olympus Entertainment Production Company, which will produce a variety of content ranging from C9 movies to C9TV and C9Radio productions about the C9 career life, C9 educational programs, C9ZED (like TED talks), C9 racing broadcasts, C9 tourism and cruises adverts and broadcasts, C9 documentaries, C9 talk shows, C9 game shows, C9 sports, C9 'verse politics (strictly 'verse), a C9 vehicles show, a C9 nature show (featuring the vast outdoors of the 'verse and alien animals), C9 'verse reality shows (mostly unscripted), and scripted stories like C9 sitcoms and C9 dramas ranging from C9 comedy to C9 medical drama, C9 crime drama, C9 soap opera, and C9 cartoon. We aim to integrate all of our media content into the 'verse when possible.
Olympus, in coordination with Quantum and our other organizations, is also the home of our fanciful Celestial Voyages crew, the crew responsible for events like our Trinity Tours and our famous Star Crawl tours, the latter of which being quite extensive cruises where we go to every bar in the 'verse while entertaining guests aboard our founder's 890 Jump.
Introducing 4 more organizations:
Nebula 9
Imagine this: "In a world where humanity had yet to leave Earth and was on the brink of extinction, one alien race stood between the life and death of a species. Little did they know of the aliens' true intent until it was too late."
In Cloud 9 Lore, Nebula 9 is an alternate universe version of Cloud 9, only with one major difference: our counterparts are outlaws. However, the legal nature of the group is relative to the perspective of the inhabitants of each 'verse. There, they were seen as a network of explorers with fleets reaching across galaxies. Here, they are seen as a criminal organization, and we don't know what happened to the rest of their fleets.
Characters in C9 in this 'verse have dark and twisted counterparts in N9 in that 'verse, and some of those counterparts even have goatees. After they found their way into our universe, they discovered that we exist as their counterparts. Both groups needed help, C9 with matters outside the law, which could not be handled due to being lawful, and N9 with being integrated into life in this 'verse, even if they preferred to profit through "alternative revenue streams". The groups made arrangements to support each other, and the rest is history.
Both Nebula 9 and Cloud 9 are part of Cloud Nexus. Nebula 9 maintains its premise as an outlaw organization and, while its in-lore fleets are gone, it was and will one day again be the leadership organization for additional orgs in the Nebula 9 Network. Essentially, they are a mirror image, but darker mirror image version of the Cloud 9 Network.
Aligning with the guild The Council, activities that Nebula 9 crews will participate in include just about anything that is extralegal and illegal, along with defending N9 & C9 orgs and VIP protection for N9 & C9 orgs (all under the cover of villainy), infiltration through their own PMC, bounty hunting the bounty hunters, covert operations, rescue / SAR ops for N9 and C9, many opportunities for first-person combat, ground vehicle and ship combat, and acts such as destroying, killing, disabling, recovering, extracting, scanning, locating, arson, bribes & intimidation, capture, investigations, smuggling, piracy and ship-jacking, crafting (chemicals), racing (fixing/fraud), accessing data, and patrols.
Although this organization's activities in the 'verse are on hold until we make progress with Cloud 9, this group may begin to brainstorm ideas at some point in the time leading up to its activation.
Cloud Nexus
Cloud Nexus is the leadership organization for the Cloud 9 and Nebula 9 Networks. Essentially, all things Cloud 9 organizations and Nebula 9 organizations are Cloud Nexus.
Membership in Nexus does not denote leadership, so membership may be opened up from time to time. However, its main purpose is to include the leadership from the other organizations.
The lawful activities of the organizations in the Cloud 9 Network and unlawful activities of the Nebula 9 Network come together through Cloud Nexus. Arrangements will be made to help each other improve strategies, tactics, methods of running operations, and basically any aspects of interactions between lawful and unlawful entities. Our groups on both sides of the law will then ideally be more successful when going up against or otherwise encountering opposition in the 'verse.
This group is also the Cloud Nexus Organization Network within the Organizations Department in the Cloud 9 Engagement Division of Cloud 9, Inc. For some perspective on reporting structures, yet to be implemented, ready to be upon future growth, some crossover of leadership will be implemented at various points, like with captains eventually reporting to commodores, while operating unit directors ("org leaders") will report to a senior director and there will later be additional levels up to leadership in Cloud Nexus. All of that includes crews in Tier 10 up through 7 with Cloud Nexus, then Cloud 9, Inc. at Tier 6.
Cloud Nexus goes beyond the bureaucracy and the lawful versus unlawful coordinated practices among our organizations by also functioning as an organization in a more traditional sense. It will establish its own crews, which will be perfect opportunities for leadership to have an extra space to test ideas that may later be implemented within the other organizations in our networks.
Although this organization's activities in the 'verse are on hold until we make progress with Cloud 9 and Nebula 9, this group may begin to brainstorm ideas at some point in the time leading up to its activation.
Cloud 9 Games
In some ways, the Cloud 9 Games organization is a complement to Cloud 9 Olympus / Olympus Entertainment, in that both organizations align with Imperial Sports Federation, each participates in similar activities, but not all the same, and they will even have internal competitions to help each other make improvements in their shared fields. In that regard, C9G also covers racing, marksmanship, parkour, and industrial competitions, and will coordinate with crews in the Cloud 9 Network, like Vortex Security with marksmanship and both Solaris Resources and QC&L with industrial competitions.
Cloud 9 Games refers to multiple entities, but they all started with the external group that predates all of our groups except the original Cloud 9. The original C9G was created so that members of the Cloud 9 organization could form groups in various online games.
While being a recent and fitting addition for competitions, C9G also functions as the parent organization in the Cloud 9 Games Network. Both the organization and the external Cloud 9 Games group are part of the aptly named Cloud 9 Games, Inc., while C9G, Inc., along with Cloud Nexus and Ennead Union, Inc., are part of Cloud 9, Inc.
The Cloud 9 Games organization goes beyond sports by also covering other forms of entertainment. The organization will collaborate with Olympus Entertainment on productions such as game shows.
C9G will also be host to betting & gambling activities, to be integrated into the 'verse and applied to all possible scenarios, such as racing and the sports that will be added to the 'verse. There's potential for building a Cloud 9 Games Casino or a similar facility that manages applicable gambling.
Although this organization's activities in the 'verse are on hold until we make progress with Cloud 9, Nebula 9, and Cloud Nexus, this group may begin to brainstorm ideas at some point in the time leading up to its activation.
Ennead Union
Ennead Union, also known more fancifully as the Union of the Nine Pillars of the Cosmos, is perhaps the most unique among the groups associated with the Cloud 9 organization, all nested within Cloud 9, Inc.
Ennead's origin dates back to around the time of the inception of Cloud 9 and Cloud 9 Games. Although it went by a different name at the time and, perhaps this is the more evident part, its existence was not announced to the world, concepts for the group had taken initial shape.
Ennead Union is an org-of-orgs, is the parent organization in the Ennead Union Network, and has an external counterpart that functions in a more general sense outside of Star Citizen as a group-of-groups.
As an organization, Ennead aligns with Imperial Sports Federation, and makes the most out of the competitive denizens of the 'verse by serving as neutral grounds where different organizations can meet and arrange activities and events.
The aforementioned Cloud 9 aspect of Ennead pretty much starts and ends with the founder. The C9 orgs will participate, however, along with other invited orgs, and all of the groups will leave their names at the door and form new groups within Ennead. Similarly, none of the Cloud 9 organizations or any other entities under Cloud 9, Inc., or any other organizations or groups, will have any direct leadership in Ennead. For that matter, even the leadership in Ennead Union will not technically be leadership. At least, not in the traditional sense.
At Ennead Union, we are a united nations for organizations and external gaming groups. All relevant aspects of Star Citizen apply. All online games apply. Being that this is the organization within Ennead, Inc., the main focus here will be on activities in the 'verse. All participating groups that follow the rules are welcome. This is not the place to recruit, promote, or discuss other organizations or groups. It is a place to discuss games with our teams, with our teams consisting of multiple groups combined.
The premise: each group that participates may select 1 member to serve as an Ambassador. Ambassadors then coordinate with one another to plan multi-org and multi-group online meetups, after which teams are created. A historic and simple naming scheme is used for teams, colors. Red Team, Blue Team, and so on. Teams join their respective channels, using a chat server provided by Ennead Union, and then proceed to participate in Co-Op, PvE, PvP, and various other types of activities.
Instead of the traditional leadership roles, Ennead has a role called Custodian, which will be granted to individuals from different groups, never more than one from the same. Our Custodians help out with things in general.
More information will be provided at a later date, including the use of Egyptian Enneadic themes as naming conventions for intermingled org-agnostic groups, and details about three activity branches: Cooperative Branch, Competitive Branch, and Chaos Branch.
Although this organization's activities in the 'verse are on hold until we make progress with a few components of the Cloud 9 groups (C9, N9, CN, C9G), this group may begin to brainstorm ideas at some point in the time leading up to its activation.
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