Module 1

External Control Psychology versus

Internal Control Psychology

General Objectives

In this module, you will understand how Choice Theory, as an internal control psychology, leads to healthy relationships in contrast to external control psychology that attempts to control others.

Learning Objectives

More specifically, in this module you will:

  • Recognise how Choice Theory and Reality Therapy offer new ways of perceiving the world,
  • Describe the false beliefs embedded in external control psychology,
  • Name the seven disconnecting habits that destroy relationships,
  • Name the seven connecting habits that develop strong and healthy relationships.

Reflection Questions

  1. The concept that I can only control myself leads me to questioning my daily interactions with others. Explain your thinking as to how this might change the way you communicate with others; and with yourself.
  2. What, if any, new ideas are you contemplating about the ways you have allowed others to control you? How will you recognise and deal with these behaviours now that you have heard this information?
  3. Compare and contrast your thoughts about when, if, or how this information will change your relationship in the future.
  4. How much of the information that I have learned about Choice Theory do I now use to see the world differently and to make changes in how I process my own thinking?