Standard 8: Collaborative Relationships

Standard 8 - Collaborative Relationships – The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social-emotional development. This teacher works as a team member with professional colleagues, students, parents or guardians, and community members. 

I like to build relationships with my coworkers and find ways in which we can make our job fun and easy to both ends. Going into a new school, there will be more experienced teachers who have their own teaching philosophy. I want to walk in with an open mind and watch how they teach and learn from their experience. I will try their teaching strategies and add my own style. All this without stepping over any boundaries and being respectful. Working with many teachers will open the door to building collaborative relationships that allow us to learn from one another.

DE TCT - 2023-2024

Course Team Meetings

Course Team Meetings Agenda is connected to Standard 8: Collaborative Learning Students through 8N.

The Competent teacher uses effective co-planning and co-teaching techniques to deliver instruction to each student.

The physical education department meets every Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. As a team, we initially drafted the syllabus together. We also collaborate on creating plans together especially when 2 teachers are using the same gym. When we plan together as a department, we are able to develop more engaging activities to better support the needs of our students. 


IEP, Individualized Education Plan, Example is connected to Standard 8: Collaborative Learning Students through 8S.

The Competent teacher participates in the design and implementation of individualized instruction for students with special needs (i.e., IEPs, IFSP, transition plans, Section 504 plans), ELLs, and students who are gifted

Before an IEP meeting, the special education teachers reach out to the rest of the student's teachers to get an understanding of the student's educational performance and behavior in across all settings. As a student teacher, I participated in IEP meetins and helped design parts of the IEP. Together as a team of teachers we develop a whole picture of who the student is, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how we plan to support them.