Standard 4:
Learning Environment

Standard 4 - Learning Environment The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal-setting. 

The type of learning environment I will develop for my students would be one where I can find structure for each person. I want to create a space to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable enough to ask questions. I will work to develop relationships with students so that I learn about them and how they learn best. As the leader, I will build time and lessons so students are purposely interacting and developing positive social interactions. 

Student Work- Week 6 - Workout Log

Student Workout Log

The Workout Log is connected to Standard 4: Learning Environment through 4N.

The Competent Teacher engages students in and monitors individual and group-learning activities that help them develop the motivation to learn.

Students must submit weekly workout logs that demonstrate their physical activity outside of school. Through this log, students are responsible for monitoring how active they are and how they fell after the activity. This activity is to develop healthy routines and lifestyles through intrinsic motivation. Physical activity looks different in everyone's life and this activity is for students to identify the different ways they can be active.

Work Out Plan with Partner

The Workout Plan is connected to Standard 4: Learning Environment through 4M.

The Competent Teacher organizes, allocates, and manages time, materials, technology, and physical space to provide active and equitable engagement of students in productive learning activities.

The workout plan is an activity that students do with a partner. In this activity, students must help each other be accountable for managing their time efficiently and using materials appropriately. Not only does this workout plan target Standard 4M but also 4N. Students are motivated to learn workouts and  how to use workout equipment properly to be able to do them with a partner.