(It's in the GeneS/Jeans)

Irene Scott McCann was arrested with Albert McCann after fleeing to Chelsea, Oklahoma and found to be in possession of murdered Officer Bray's weapon. Albert McCann, was convicted of Jailer Bray's murder and sentenced to death on April 25, 1931. His sentence was later changed to 50 years after he received a new trial.

Irene McCann was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison on May 21, 1931. A few months after the trial, Irene McCann faked appendicitis and escaped from the hospital only to be apprehended within 24 hours. The next day she claimed responsibility for the murder during an interview with a reporter. In 1932, she filed through the bars of her cell at the Women's Work Farm and escaped with Edna 'Rabbit' Murray" but they were recaptured. EDNA earned her nick name Rabbit because she was always breaking out and on the run, escaped for a third time, from Missouri State Penitentiary in December 1932.

DOSSIE offered to help her ex-husband Carl Janaway escape from Alctraz, and he declined. Several years after Dossie helped Ted Cole and Ralph Roe escape Alcatraz, Carl Janaway gained a cell mate by the name of Al Capone, and became his caretaker after Capone showed signs of neurosyphillis early in his sentence. Carl Janaway was also a master escape artist, breaking out of the deadly Tucker Prison three times. In fact, he escaped twice in only four months, becoming the only inmate to escape twice and not be murderd, as guards then were ordered to shoot to kill.

In my research, I noticed that many articles made it seem that members of this family were hard to convict, or if they were imprisoned, they were to able to escape, from even the most secure prisons.