Medical Students

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Interview Tips

Applying for residency? Residency application can be a stressful time, and healthy doses of preparation and enthusiasm can go a long way. Interviews are important for programs to know you beyond your paper application, and for yourself to find your ideal fit. Here are some tips that we hope will be helpful for you!

Get enough sleep!

It goes without saying that people perform better with a good night's sleep. It is ideal to spend a few days preparing for the interview, instead of cramming it on the night before the interview.

Plan to arrive early:

Give yourself some time to become lost or for traffic!

Research about programs:

Programs within the same specialty can be very different. It's crucial to know what attracted you to apply for a program, as you will be asked about it. Look for details such as rotation schedules, call schedules, accreditation, and affiliated sites.


It's always a good idea to practice interview questions, especially with someone else - they can suggest improvements that we may not see on our own.

Read through your application before interviews:

Interviewers will ask about details in your application, and it always helps to refresh your memory before the interview.

Prepare questions beforehand:

Having your own questions will be helpful in finding your ideal fit, and it shows interviewers that you have an active interest for your interview.

Be enthusiastic!

Interviewers look for cues beyond the content of your answers, such as body language and tone of your voice. Enthusiasm will make you a memorable candidate.

Be prepared for difficult questions:

Do not fret! No one can prepare for all possible questions, and difficult questions help interviewers to see how you respond beyond prepared answers. Feel free to ask for clarification if the question is unclear.

Personal questions:

If you feel a question is too personal or offensive, do not feel obliged to answer it. Ask for clarification or notify your interviewer of your concerns.

Relax and have fun!

Your interviewers have liked your application and are inviting you to get to know you better. Interviews are your chance to find fellow colleagues you would enjoy working with (and vice versa),

Keep in Touch!

We would love to hear from you after the interview. It is a good idea to show your interest with thank you notes, follow-up questions, or taking a second look. Do not forget to notify the program if you are applying via NMS/NRMP, or couples matching!