Strange Beauty:

The Energy Industries of Lambton County

The Heritage Oil Fields Of Fairbank Oil Properties, Oil Springs, Ontario.

This is the rig that drives the jerker line system of the heritage oil fields near Oil Springs, Ontario. It is part of Fairbank Oil Properties and was created in the later 1800's. The jerker line system spread out from the rig to operate multiple pump jacks over acres of oil properties. The system was invented by J.H. Fairbank.

My videos concentrate on the unique movements and sounds of this system of machinery. Created in 2016

This is a series of video clips that show the original jerker line system as it leaves the engine house called the James Rig. This is part of Fairbank Oil Properties of Oil Springs, Ontario.

These pump jacks work around the clock on the Fairbank Oil Properties near Oil Springs, Ontario.They are part of the jerker line system invented by J.H. Fairbank in the 1860's to operate multiple pump jacks scattered over the oil properties. The jerker lines lead out from a central building that houses the large machinery (the rig) that operates the whole system.It is efficient and ingenious and is still in service today. Each pump jack makes its own particular music that creates an eerie and soulful sound across this unique landscape.

This scale model presently house 3 tablets that show videos of the workings inside the James Rig building on Gum Bed Line near Oil Springs, Ontario. This is part of the Fairbank Oil Properties This is where the world's commercial oil industry started.

Chemical Industry of Lambton County

2015 Chemical plants operate around the clock. This shows the same refinery, near Sarnia Ontario, in the day and during the night.

2015 This is a refinery during a sunny April day. There is snow on the ground which cannot be seen but helps to give the brilliant lighting.

2015 These large cooling towers are at a refinery near Sarnia. The steam is capturing the sunset.

2015 The cooling towers go 24/7 at a refinery near Sarnia, Ontario. If you watch this you also get to see a train shunting cars.

This is a springtime view of Clean Harbors Incinerator stack near Brigden, ON. It is a part of a video installation called Strange Beauty. Many vile chemicals are stored at this location. Some are incinerated.

2017 Due to a problem with start-up from a shut down at Imperial Oil's refinery in Sarnia, the flare stacks were being used to burn hydrocarbons. This hellish sight is both beautiful and appalling. I captured this video on a bitterly cold night when I forgot to bring my gloves. My hands ached for a half hour after I got back into my car and drove home. It was worth it.

Windmills, Lambton County

2017 Controversial and ubiquitous in Lambton County, Ontario windmills have permanently changed the landscape.