Open Day 2023

Seed Saving

9:30 am Success in the edible garden comes from choosing seeds that will work in this region. They're acclimatised. Learn how easy it is to save your seeds, and keep them in peak condition till you need them.

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10:00am  Composting is about keeping your "waste" material on site and turning them into nutrient-dense food for your edibles - feeding your soil and getting bigger crops from your patch. It's not hard if you follow a few simple rules.

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10:30  Intro to Aquaponics with Neil Jackson. Aquaponics is a sustainable farming method that combines aquaculture (the cultivation of aquatic organisms like fish) with hydroponics (the growing of plants in nutrient-rich water without soil). Neil's been inundated with requests for information - don't miss out!

What to bring:

Please note: There are no toilet facilities available. The nearest amenities are at Bay Plaza.

Visual Aids.pdf