Kitchen Waste

  1. Open the bin

2. Pull back the carpet mulch

4. Add some carbon

Composting Kitchen Waste

The system will be simple. We’d encourage residents to use the ShareWaste app.

If you use this for each drop-off, we can do some citizen science and calculate how much waste we're keeping out of the Yeppoon landfill. Just include the size of your bucket when you post (ie 2l or 5l) A QR Code to explanations on the Jack’s Paddock website will also make it easy for donors of kitchen scraps.

Kitchen scraps should not include:

  • Meat or Fish Scraps.

  • Dairy, Fats, or Oils.

  • Weeds that Have Gone to Seed.

  • Dog or Cat Waste.

  1. Open bin, and tie back if required.

  2. Pull back the carpet mulch before adding scraps.

  3. Empty your scraps into the bin. You can wash out your bucket at the adjacent tap. If you have mostly vege scraps ( rather than fruit waste), you can add some of that water to the bin. Fruit scraps will produce enough moisture without us adding any. Dispose of bucket water onto the composting bays.

  4. Add some carbon form the middle bin. Straw or paper will be in the bin for you. You only need to add a small handful to keep the carbon/nitrogen ratios right.

  5. Replace the carpet mulch.

  6. Close the bin to keep vermin out.

  7. Log onto the Sharewaste app.

  8. Find the Jack's Paddock pin.

  9. Send a message of what you dropped off - 2l, 5l or whatever size bucket you contributed.

Hopefully worms and soldier fly larvae will do their thing to break the waste, and turn it into compost for use in the gardens at Jack's Paddock.

5. Replace the carpet mulch

Find the Jack's Paddock pin

9. Send a message about your drop off.

Carbon/Nitrogen ratio