


With heavy seasonal rain ahead, protect soil from compaction and minimise moisture loss through hot, humid days.


Take cuttings of plants that don’t like wet feet - lavender, wormwood, curry plant (Helichrysum) . If your plant dies, you'll have replacements to replant after Easter when the weather has normalised


While lawns are actively growing, compost lawn clippings with straw/shredded paper at a ratio of about 10:1. In a tumbler or bin, you can make usable compost in about 2 weeks. Store and use on vegetable beds in March.


Pull out any weeds before they flower. Remember what grandma told you about 1 years seed equals 7 years of weeds


Be vigilant of pests - pick up old fruit to avoid fruit fly. Look out for scale, green shield bugs and aphids. Watch pots and saucers for mosquitoes.


Prune back hedges and shrubs when they’ve finished flowering. Chop and drop, or mulch to add back as a protective layer to your soil.

Avoid planting cool-season vegetables and annuals till after the wet.

The Seed Swap is on in February. It'll still be too early to plant - but you can get available seed locally, and then look online before the seed runs out.