Arbour Project 2024

In 2023, Jack's Paddock applied to Livingstone Shire Council for a grant under their Community Grants programme.

The grant was for -  "Our proposed plant-covered arbour meets the identified need in our community. Positioned strategically near the area where children frequently play in Jack's Paddock, it serves a dual purpose.
It provides much-needed shade, enhancing the experience for parents supervising their toddlers and visitors strolling with their dogs. Unlike conventional shade structures, our arbour seamlessly integrates with our community's values as a living representation of a Community Garden.
This will be a platform for showcasing a diverse range of edible crops vertically. This maximises growing opportunities and inspires innovative gardening practices within our community."

We were successful in our application and received a grant of $1, 438.80.

Feb 1 - marking out the location of the posts

Feb 2 - the boring of 20 holes for the post began early

Feb 2 - fatigue setting in

Feb 2 - boring almost complete, and posts going in

Feb 2 - all the posts in, with time to settle before attaching mesh

Feb 3 - wrestling the mesh, safely

Feb 3 - leveling the posts

Feb 3  - manhandling the mesh

Feb 3 - attaching the mesh to the posts

Feb 3 - many hands...

Feb 3 - ensuring that the ends of the panels were made safe

Feb 3 - time for a well earned break

Mar 8 - irrigation pipe in place

Mar 8 - tap adapter fitted

Mar 8 - first planting

Mar 30 - first harvest