Jack's Paddock

Welcome to Jack's Paddock

Jack's Paddock was named in honour of the lifetime contribution to the Yeppoon community of Jack and Martha Skinner. After surveying and consulting the local community a Community Garden along with the play space was created to bring the community together with regular activities and events. Everyone is welcome to be involved in any way you can. 

Thank you so much to Jack and Martha! 

Open Day

Come and celebrate what we love about Community Gardens. More details

Three workshops through the morning:
9:30 Seed saving
10:00 Composting

10:30 Aquaponics

Tours of the Paddock through the morning. 

Please note: There are no toilet facilities available. The nearest amenities are at Bay Plaza.

Citizen Science

The latest reporting about biodiversity in the Paddock was a family of Butcher birds, busy cleaning up the insects from the disturbed mulch pile. Normally we'd see Magpies doing that each Thursday morning, but today was the Butcher birds turn. To report any sightings, head over to the Citizen Science page, and fill in the form