

A look at the systems that might work for you and at home, and a glimpse of the systems working at Jack's Paddock.

Kitchen Waste

I keep kitchen waste out of the main composting systems to avoid vermin.

Weed tea

A system to keep weedy plants and weeds in flower from germinating once pulled

Chop and drop

Simple system where prunings are dropped on the ground and left there.

Grow your own biomasse - longevity spinach, qld arrowroot

Compost tumbler

Compost storage

In summer, assuming rain, you'll be mowing at least fortnightly.

ABCD of Composting

Only four things are needed to make compost effectively:

C/N Calculator v1

Composting Calculator

The trick is getting the balance correct. 

This calculator takes the guesswork away.

Google Sheet

Excel Spreadsheet

Using compost

Friend or foe?

Beetle larvae

Feeds on rotting organic material in your compost heap. FRIEND!


Slaters break eat organic matter and return nutrients to the soil. FRIEND!

Black soldier fly

Black soldier fly larvae are nature’s number one composters. The adult fly lays eggs, and you can see the larvae in the video above. FRIEND!