Videos & Online Resources

We have included several videos that explore Canadian Indigenous history and culture. To watch these videos or gather more details, simply click on the respective images. Unfortunately, we do not have access to all of these titles, but we've offered additional informative content in lieu of the videos we can't provide links for.

We Were Children

A sobering look at the lasting impact of residential schools, We Were Children portrays Lyna Hart's and Glen Anaquod's experience with residential schools.  

Elder in the Making

This documentary series hits close to home as Calgary resident, Chris Hisung documents his roadtrip across traditional Blackfoot territory. Be sure to check out the accompanying lesson plans as well.

Reel Injun

Cree film maker Neil Diamond explores cinematic depictions of Indigenous Cultures and characters in Hollywood.

The Secret Path

Gord Downie's multimedia art project was inspired by the true story of Chanie Wenjack. With this film, Downie provides a glimpse into Canada's darkest moment in history. 

Muffins for Granny

This documentary explores personal and cultural survival in the wake of Canada's residential schools. 

Wab Kinew's Walk Through History

Wab Kinew explores what wrong in Canada's 500 year relationship with Indigenous Communities. 


Based on Kevin Annett's book Hidden From History: The Canadian Holocaust, this documentary explores Canada's planned, intentional genocide of Indigenous people and cultures.

8th Fire

A documentary series that focuses on the dynamic nature of Canada's relationship with Indigenous Communities

CBC's List of Free Indigenous films

For Canada Day, CBC released a list of free resources from the National Film Board's Indigenous catalogue. 

Music and Music Videos

Gord Downie

The Stranger

Wab Kinew


Wab Kinew 

Good boy

Jack Gladstone

Entire Discography

Robbie Robertson and the Red Road Ensemble

Entire Discography

A Tribe Called Red

Entire Discography

Yothu Yindi

Entire Discography

Cindy Paul

He Can Fancy Dance

Websites and Online Resources

NCTR - Imagine a Canada

 The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation hosts an annual campaign for Canadian students kindergarten to grade 12 called Imagine a Canada. This campaign calls upon students to show how they can be a leader for reconciliation through the creation of a song, essay, scuplture or other artisitc medium of the student's choosing. One candidate will be chosen from each province to have their work honoured and displayed along with the opportunity to attend an enriching 3 day event. This event provides a unique experience in which the candidates will be able to learn directly from Elders, Residential School Survivors and other youth. 

As an educator, admin or other education professional, you can involve your classrooms and school by sending in their submissions by the deadline. This an excellent opportunity for educators and students.

Learn Alberta: Walking Together

An amazing resource for teachers to deepen their foundational knowledge and understand First Nations, Métis, and Inuit unique and rich culture, perspectives, and experiences.  Comprehensive and easy to navigate, this resource is helpful for whole school and classroom approaches to reconciliation. 

Empowering the Spirit

This website provides valuable knowledge and resources that support reconciliation within our school system. Whether you are just begining your journey of reconciliation and wondering where to start, or are deep into your journey and expanding your resources, this website is a great option. From initiating your Foundational Knowledge, to Leading the Learning and Classroom Supports, Empowering the Spirit has a wealth of information, resources and supports for schools and classrooms. 

Literacy Seed Kit

Starting as a collaborative project seeking to encourage educators in their journey towards reconciliation, the founders of the Literacy Seed Kit found that the best way to start this journey was to share and understand the stories of Residential School Survivors. This kit provides a wealth of resources for students of all ages, kindergarten to grade 12.

Residential Schools in Canada - Education Guide

A fundamental first step toward reconciliation is learning the history and intergenerational impact of the residential schools of Canada. Recognizing our Country's history of assimilation and the legacy of trauma that it left serves to illustrate the nessesity for and context of reconciliation. These subjects can be difficult to discuss and come to terms with, and this guide helps navigate the teaching of Residential Schools in Canada. 

We have attached our Google Doc of video resources. Please feel free to duplicate it and incorporate these resources into your classroom!
