Teacher Resources

Resources to Learn and Teach

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Empowering the Spirit

ATA: Walking Together

Our Words Our Ways

ATA: Education is Our Buffalo

ATA: Professional Learning Pebbles

ATA: Stepping Stones

Circle Teachings

The Office of The Treaty Commisioner

To Do With Kids

Seven Teachings

Incredible for classroom, or even whole school norms. The Seven Teachings (sometimes called the Seven Grandfather Teachings or the Seven Sacred Teachings, depending on which community you are talking to) are a set of 7 guiding principles of good character, which animal representations for each and a legend behind it.

Orange Shirt Day

Wear an Orange Shirt of September 30! Originating in Williams Lake BC, Orange Shirt Day is an excellent way to get your school or community involved in reconciliation. This event is intended to remember the Residential School System and honor the healing journey of it's survivors. 

Project of Heart

An amazing project to get a classroom, or whole school involved in! This project is artistic, creative and soulfull as it seeks to examine the history of Residential Schools, honor the victims, and pursue national reconciliation.

Imagine a Canada

An international campaign that calls for students and youth all over Canada to create any form of unique text to express how they can be a leader of reconciliation. An enriching resource with many suggested readings for all grade levels. 

National Indigenous Peoples Day

An amazing day of celebration, recognition and fun on June 21. Honour this wonderful holiday with your students as a end of year celebration, or with your own children at home. The holiday occurs on the longest day of the year, or summer solstice, a traditionally significant day for Indigenous communities. 

Indigenous Art & Stories

A national competition event for your students to enter. This incredible resource can be combined to compliment any Social, ELA, Science or Math class! This resource can easily be differentiated to address the needs of all your unique students. Entries can be submitted in early April, so this is an excellent spring time project to get your students excited about Indigenous Art and Stories. 

Experiential Learning

Blanket Exercise

An interactive experience to demonstrate Indigenous experiences and history. This is a powerful experience to do with a classroom or with educational staff through Kairos or another trained facilitator. 

Treaty Simulation

An eye-opening experience to give students deeper understanding of the realities of treaty. Students take the perspective of a member of either Indigenous community or a European settler. Rules are given to each.

Talking Circle

An amazing learning practice that can be used as often as you want! This can be everyday, once a week, or as needed. Incredible practice to internalize learning and connect with others. The resource here is pretty structured, but a talking circle can be as formal or informal as you want. 

Talking Circle Rules

1. Everyone gets into a large circle, sitting or standing.

2. An item of significance is chosen (and used consistently)

3. This item starts somewhere in the circle, when you are holding the item then you may talk.

4. Respect is vital

5. Nobody is talking unless they have the item (this is important)

6. The item gets passed all around the circle until it gets back to the start. 

7. Everyone has an opportunity to talk, but may pass and choose not to.

Our Google Doc is filled with additional valuable resources. Don't hesitate to create a copy and begin building your own collection of educational materials!

Teacher Resources
Website Indigenous Teaching Resources