Novels and Storybooks

Included are several fictional novels and storybooks that explore Canadian Indigenous history and culture.

These are My Words

Ruby Slipperjack

My Name is Seepeetza

Shirly Sterling

I am Not a Number

Jenny Kay & Kather Kacer

The Outside Circle

Pattie Laboucane-Benson

Fatty Legs

Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margeret Pokaik-Fenton

The Sharing CircleĀ 

Theresa Meuse

The Secret Path

Gord Downie & Jeff Lemire

As Long as the Rivers Flow

Larry Loyie & Constance Brissenden

Kookum's Red Shoes

Peter Eyvindson

Shin-chi's Canoe

Nicola I. CampbellĀ 

No Time to Say Goodbye: Children's Stories of Kuper Island Residential School

Sylvia Olsen

Sugar Falls: A Residential School Story

David Alexander Robertson


Joseph Boyden

I am Raven

David Bouchard

They Called Me Number One: Secrets and Survival at an Indian Residential School

Bev Sellars

The Education of Augie Merasty: a Residential School Memoir

Joseph Auguste Merasty

Additional Fiction Book Resources

CBC Books

Red Deer Public's First Nations, Metis and Inuit books

List of resources from Red Deer Public School Division

Education Resources from U of A

Provided is our Google Document containing fiction book resources. Please feel free to duplicate and incorporate these into your classroom.
