Non-Fiction Books

Included are several non-fiction novels and storybooks that explore Canadian Indigenous history and culture.

The Inconvenient Indian

Thomas King

A dark, witty, brutally honest look at North America's relationship with Indigenous communties and cultures. 

A Knock on the Door 

Phil Fontaine, Aimée Craft, The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada 

Published in collaboration with the TRC, A Knock on the Door presents individual accounts of the Residential School experience and the lasting impact it has had. A gripping must read. 

21 Things You May Not Know About The Indian Act

Bob Joseph

A key guide to understanding the harsh reality of the Indian Act and the impact it has had on Indigenous communities and cultures.

The Reason You Walk

Wab Kinew

Wab Kinew's personal memior chronicles the reconcilliation between father and son. 

Strength and Struggle: Perspectives from First Nations, Metis, and Inuit People

Rachel A. Mishene

A collection of essays, poems, stories, songs, graphic novels and more that will make you laugh, cry and think. 

All Our Relations: Finding a Path Forward

Tanya Talaga

The after affects of cultural genecide are explored in this work by Tanya Talaga as sudicide rates skyrocket among Indigenous youth. 


The Canada Most People Don't See


Written by Scott Gilmore, 2017

The Lonely Death of Chanie Wenjack


Written by Ian Adams, 1967

Provided is our Google Document containing non-fiction book resources. Please feel free to duplicate and incorporate these into your classroom.
