Station 1 exercises

Image credit: City of Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront

Station 1 has a great spot to wrap Therabands around at different heights. It also has a flat bench at an appropriate height for transfers. The bench is a great piece of equipment for both strengthening and stretching exercises.

Chest Press: TheraBand

Muscles Primarily Used

  • Pectoralis Major

  • Deltoids

  • Triceps

  • Trapezius


  1. Anchor TheraBand

  2. Grip handlebars at chest level

  3. Push TheraBand forward and bring hands together

  4. Hold position for 1-2 seconds

  5. Return to original position

Sets x Reps

  • 2 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance

Variation: Alternate arms or single arm. Use lighter or harder resistance band

Row: TheraBand

Muscles Primarily Used

  • Rhomboids

  • Upper Trapezius

  • Latissimus Dorsi

  • Biceps


  1. Anchor TheraBand

  2. Hold the handlebars with arms extended

  3. Pull hands towards waist to make resistance band taut

  4. Hold position for 1-2 seconds

  5. Return to original position

  6. Note: Make sure to squeeze blades of scapula together.

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance

Variation: Alternate arms or single arm. Use lighter or harder resistance band

Chest fly: TheraBand

Muscles Primarily Used

  • Pectoralis Major

  • Anterior Deltoid


  1. Anchor TheraBand

  2. Position arms out to the side with elbows slightly bent

  3. Bring hands together horizontally

  4. Hold position 1 –2 seconds

  5. Return to original position

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance

Variation: Alternate arms or single arm. Use lighter or harder resistance band

External Rotation: TheraBand

Muscles Primarily Used

Shoulder External Rotators

  • Infraspinatus

  • Teres Minor


  1. Anchor TheraBand

  2. Grasp handles with shoulders and elbows at 90 degrees.

  3. Pull the band away from the workout equipment, rotating forearm backwards

  4. Make sure to keep upper arm parallel to the ground, elbow at shoulder level, and wrist straight

  5. Note: Don't let the elbow drop below shoulder level and keep the elbow bent at 90 degrees

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance

Variation: Alternate arms or single arm. Use lighter or harder resistance band


Muscles Primarily Used

Scapular Stabilizers

  • Middle Trapezius


  1. Lie on stomach on mat

  2. Bring arms to side and keep straight.

  3. Raise arms up like a T and squeeze shoulder blades together

  4. Note: Relax shoulders at try not to bring them up to your ears.

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance


Muscles Primarily Used

Scapular Stabilizers

  • Lower Trap


  1. Lie on stomach on mat

  2. Start with arms at sides

  3. Raise arms up like a Y making sure to squeeze the lower back

  4. Return to start position

  5. Note: Relax shoulders and make sure they do not come up to the ear.

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance

Variation: If it is difficult to lift arms while they are straight try to bend elbow to shorten arm and then squeeze shoulder blades together. Having your arms out straight or adding a weight in your hand will make this exercise harder.


Muscles Primarily Used

  • Pectorals

  • Deltoids

  • Triceps

  • Serratus Anterior


  1. Lie on stomach on mat

  2. Hold on to rail with hands

  3. Push with hands to lift torso of the mat

  4. Lower down with arms until chest almost touches the mat.

  5. Return to original position

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance

Variation: Pushups are harder when legs are straight. To make easier have knees bent and on the ground with hips up and back straight.

Cross fly: TheraBand

Muscles Primarily Used

Upper Back Muscles

  • Rhomboids

  • Posterior Deltoids


  1. Anchor TheraBand

  2. Cross the handles and then grasp handles.

  3. Pull the band outwards and back.

  4. Hold for 1-2 seconds

  5. Return to original position

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 10 for strength

  • 3 x 15 for endurance

Variation: change resistance of TheraBand

Prone on Elbows Stretch

Muscles Primarily Used

  • Stretches Trunk and Hip Flexors


  1. Lie on stomach on mat

  2. Place arms underneath and prop up on elbows

  3. Allow back to relax

  4. Hold for 30-45 seconds

  5. Return to starting position

Sets x Reps

  • 3 x 30-45 seconds

Variation: If you don't feel enough of a stretch on elbows fully lengthen arms to get more of a stretch