FST 10041 Food & Beverages

Unit I

Definition, Classification, Sources and Properties of Foods and Beverages. Types of Food, Beverages and Food Products. Food Groups & Pyramid. Food Patterns.  Food production and population growth. Food for the future.

Unit II

Food Composition and Nutrients: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals. Water, Pigments and Colours, Flavour, Enzymes. Role of nutrients in Human body. Energy value of food.

Unit III

Human food, health & fitness, Balanced diet. Basal metabolism, Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), Body Mass Index (BMI), Nutritional deficiency, disorders and dietary problems.

Unit IV

Digestive System and Gastrointestinal Ecology. Food Digestion, Absorption & Assimilation. Disorders of the digestive system. Taste buds anatomy and functions. Food  Taste Perception and factors affecting taste perception. 

Unit V

Food Preparation: Need for cooking, Pre-preparation of Food, Methods of Cooking, Loss of Nutrients, Effect of heat on cooking, Enhancement of Nutritive value, Food loss and waste management.
