Summer Internship Program(SIP)

Summer Internship is a very vital program for any student where they get the opportunity to work on the office environment and get accustomed to the corporate life. They also get to experience protocol and organization structure. IEM MBA department students get to connect to the renowned organizations not only in Kolkata, but across India. As per the current trend, the companies prefer to hire students during the SIP and make them go through rigorous selection procedure. Further they bring them to office environment and judge their soft skill and other attributes. Further they offer PPO for all the students who perform well. The details of the Companies who hire our students are mentioned here below.

Winter Internship Program (WIP)

Winter Internship Program (WIP) is initiated by the College with the objective of exposing the students to real life situation and to get the feel of the Corporate World by working as interns in industries both in India and Abroad. The program is arranged by the College for a period of one month or 8 weeks, during winter, just after the 1st Semester. In this program our students work in different Organizations to get ‘hands on’ experience in a specific domain of a business.