Local Celebrities and Legends

Iredell County is just like any other American town. It has its own legends and stories. While some stories are rooted in fact and can be researched thoroughly, others are mysteries and we can't even prove that they happened. But nonetheless, these tales are part of Iredell history and culture and make this county unique. Below are some well-known and some obscure legends from this area. NCPedia also has multiple biographies of local residents.

Tom Dula/Dooley

Tom Dula was originally from Wilkes County and served as a soldier in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. When he returned from the war, he continued his relationship with a lady and rumor has it there were multiple ladies. One lady was Laura Foster. When she was found stabbed to death, authorities suspected the last person known to be seen with her; Tom Dula. He was tried and convicted in Statesville where the murder occurred. The saga of Tom Dula and Laura Foster inspired novels and songs for generations to come.

Bostian Bridge Train Wreck

Free Nancy

Nancy Brenehan was a free black woman who lived near what was once known as Sloan Branch and later renamed Free Nancy Branch which has since dried up. The location may have been across the street from the Old Davis Hospital. In a time when most African Americans were enslaved, she was free and would wash laundry in the water. Legend said she used a hot rock from her fire to iron the clothes. Very little is known about her but her story is a legend and an ongoing mystery.

Selma Burke

Ghosts/Haunted Houses


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