

學歷:台灣大學 博士


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2020 / 05 ~ 迄今 國立成功大學前瞻蝦類養殖國際研發中心 專案助理研究員

2019 / 08 ~ 2020 / 04 國立成功大學前瞻蝦類養殖國際研發中心 博士後研究員

2017 / 09 ~ 2019 / 08 國立成功大學生物科技與產業科學系 博士後研究員

2014 / 03 ~ 2017 / 09 國立成功大學生物資訊與訊息傳遞研究所 博士後研究員


(一)副溶血弧菌 (Vibrio parahaemolyticus) PirAvp 和 PirBvp 毒素結構。

利用蛋白質體學方法 (諸如等溫滴定量熱法、凝膠過濾分析、交聯質譜分析、氫-氘交換質譜分析等),推論 PirAvp 與 PirBvp 毒素間可能的結合比例、親合力以及兩者間可能的結合介面,並基於上述結果提出此二元毒素複合物的異四聚體模型,以推論蛋白質構形變化如何激活 PirBvp N 端成孔功能域的可能機制。未來將繼續探討其他因素對於 PirAvp/PirBvp 複合體穩定度與結構的影響,以期協助未來設計有效的抗 AHPND 策略。

(二)副溶血性弧菌 PirAvp 和 PirBvp 毒素的基因調控。

PirAvp 與 PirBvp 毒素為造成 AHPND 之主要因子,然而,其基因調控機制目前未明。哈維氏進化枝 (Harveyi clade) 的弧菌物種中,包括哈維氏菌 (V. harveyi) 與霍亂弧菌 (V. cholerae),已知有群聚感應 (quorum sensing) 系統,可隨族群密度調控其基因表現,控制諸如生物膜形成、抗藥性、生物發光、質體傳遞、細菌接合作用,以及毒力因子 (包括 T3SS、T6SS、TDH) 的生成等等。而在副溶血弧菌的基因組中同樣也具有高度保守的完整系統,初步試驗結果顯示與 PirAvp、PirBvp 表現有關聯,現階段正探討群聚感應系統對 PirAvp、PirBvp 基因調控的可能機制。


目前已有越來越多的弧菌物種被發現會引發 AHPND,或是攜帶含有不同變異的 pVA1-like 質體,並產生不同之毒性。本中心於發生大量蝦隻死亡之畜養池中分離出不同於副溶血弧菌之菌種,其代表菌株可引發白蝦極高死亡率,且該菌株中亦攜帶具有變異之 pVA1-like 質體。研究針對菌種鑑定、毒性蛋白質表現、基因結構等進行分析,以期釐清此高威脅性新菌株之致病機制。


  1. Lin SJ, Huang JY, Le PT, Lee CT, Chang CC, Yang YY, Su EC, Lo CF, Wang HC. (2022) Expression of the AHPND toxins PirAvp and PirBvp is regulated by components of the Vibrio parahaemolyticus quorum sensing (QS) system. Int J Mol Sci 23:2889. doi: 10.3390/ijms23052889. (IF: 5.924; Ranking: 30.14%)

  2. Liao YT, Lin SJ, Ko TP, Liu CY, Hsu KC, Wang HC. (2020) Structural insight into the differential interactions between the DNA mimic protein SAUGI and two gamma herpesvirus uracil-DNA glycosylases. Int J Biol Macromol 160:903-914. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.05.267. (IF: 6.953; Ranking: 7.79%)

  3. Wang HC, Lin SJ, Mohapatra A., Kumar R, Wang HC. (2020) A review of the functional annotations of important genes in the AHPND-causing pVA1 plasmid. Microorganisms 8:996. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8070996. (IF: 4.128; Ranking: 42.38%)

  4. Huang JY, Wang HC, Chen YC, Wang PS, Lin SJ, Chang YS, Liu KF, Lo CF. (2020) A shrimp glycosylase protein, PmENGase, interacts with WSSV envelope protein VP41B and is involved in WSSV pathogenesis. Dev Comp Immunol 108:103667. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2020.103667. (IF: 3.636; Ranking: 3.95%)

  5. Liao YT, Lin SS, Lin SJ, Sun WT, Shen BN, Cheng HP, Lin CP, Ko TP, Chen YF, Wang HC (2019) Structural insights into the interaction between phytoplasmal effector causing phyllody 1 (PHYL1) and MADS transcription factor. Plant J 100:706-719. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14463. (IF: 6.486; Ranking: 3.19%)

  6. Lin SJ, Chen YF, Hsu KC, Chen YL, Ko TP, Lo CF, Wang HC, Wang HC (2019) Structural Insights to the heterotetrameric interaction between the Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirAvp and PirBvp toxins and activation of the Cry-Like pore-forming domain. Toxins (Basel) 11: pii: E233. doi: 10.3390/toxins11040233. (IF: 4.546; Ranking: 27.27%)

  7. Huang MF, Lin SJ, Ko TP, Liao YT, Hsu KC, Wang HC (2017) The monomeric form of Neisseria DNA mimic protein DMP19 prevents DNA from binding to the histone-like HU protein. PLoS One 12: e0189461. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0189461. (equal first author) (IF: 3.24; Ranking: 22.66%)

  8. Lin SJ, Hsu KC, Wang HC (2017) Structural insights into the cytotoxic mechanism of Vibrio parahaemolyticus PirAvp and PirBvp toxins. Marine drugs 15: 373. doi: 10.3390/md15120373. (IF: 5.118; Ranking: 16.90%)

  9. Lee CT, Chen IT, Yang YT, Ko TP, Huang YT, Huang JY, Huang MF, Lin SJ, Chen CY, Lin SS, Lightner DV, Wang HC, Wang AHJ, Wang HC, Hor LI, Lo CF (2015) The opportunistic marine pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus becomes virulent by acquiring a plasmid that expresses a deadly toxin. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112: 10798-10803. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1503129112. (IF: 11.205; Ranking: 5.47%)

  10. Lin SJ, Lee DY, Wang HC, Kang ST, Hwang PP, Kou GH, Huang MF, Chang GD, Lo CF (2015) White spot syndrome virus protein kinase 1 (PK1) defeats the host cell's iron withholding defense mechanism by interacting with host ferritin. J Virol 89: 1083-1093. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02318-14. (equal first author) (IF: 5.103; Ranking: 17.95%)

  11. Leu JH, Lin SJ, Huang JY, Chen TC, Lo CF. (2013) A model for apoptotic interaction between white spot syndrome virus and shrimp. Fish Shellfish Immunol 34: 1011-1017. (equal first author) (IF: 4.581; Ranking: 6.36%)

  12. Lin SJ, Hsia HL, Liu WJ, Huang JY, Liu KF, Chen WY, Yeh YC, Huang YT, Lo CF, Kou GH, Wang HC. (2012) Spawning stress triggers WSSV replication in brooders via the activation of shrimp STAT. Dev Comp Immunol 38: 128-135. (equal first author) (IF: 3.636; Ranking: 3.45%)

  13. Chen LL, Wang HC, Huang CJ, Peng SE, Chen YG, Lin SJ, Chen WY, Dai CF, Yu HT, Wang CH, Lo CF, Kou GH. (2002) Transcriptional analysis of the DNA polymerase gene of shrimp white spot syndrome virus. Virology 301:136-147.


  1. J. Y. Huang. 2019. Accelerated breeding of commercially viable WSSV-resistant black tiger prawns. OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health. Santiago, Chile, 2-4 April 2019. (Invited keynote speaker) (Oral presentation)

  2. J. Y. Huang. 2017. Shrimp miR-10a is co-opted by White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) to increase viral gene expression and viral replication. 10th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. (Oral presentation)

  3. J. Y. Huang. 2012. Penaeus monodon thioredoxin restores the DNA binding activity of oxidized WSSV IE1. The 27th joint annual conference of biomedical sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)

  4. J. Y. Huang, W. J. Liu, H. C. Wang, G. D. Chang and C. F. Lo. 2011. Penaeus monodon thioredoxin restores the DNA binding activity of oxidized WSSV IE1. Eighth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, Mangalore, India.

  5. J. Y. Huang, G. H. Kou, G. D. Chang and C. F. Lo. 2010. Redox controls the DNA binding activity of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) immediate early protein #1 (IE1). Kanagawa University‐National Taiwan University Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

  6. J. Y. Huang, M. F. Tsai, G. H. Kou and C. F. Lo. 2008. Gene Expression Profiling of White Spot Syndrome Virus- Challenged P. monodon Shrimp. Seventh Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, Taipei, Taiwan.