Let's keep active!

Looking for other websites with ideas to keep active and healthy?

We are building a bank of helpful sites, click on any of the pictures

HWSSP Recommended Website of the week

As part of the Hertfordshire School Games Organisers and Herts Sport Partnership we have developed a resource for children , parents and schools to access. This will be regularly updated.

Joe Wicks' Daily PE lesson

Fun ideas to help your kids stay healthy

Youth Sports Trust - a variety of excellent resources

HSP Be Happy

Hertfordshire SGOs and Herts Sport Partnership have developed resources for children, parents and schools.

The Royal Mint: a host of quizzes, games and educational tools – brought to life through iconic coins, and popular children’s characters such as The Gruffalo.

Daily Mile at Home - Each week 3 new #DailyMileChallenges will be announced to keep children and their families active.

The Natural History Museum: Lots of great activities from building bug dens, dinosaurs, make a volcano.. something for everyone…

Think triathlon training at home, lots of great ideas, plus links to daily family short workouts

Free certificates, score sheets and reward charts ready to download

Ideas for children families and adults from the Herts Sports Partnership