Let's keep active!

Welcome to our new online activity centre!

Hertford and Ware School Sports Partnership want to help you to be active whilst the coronavirus outbreak is keeping us all at home. We hope that adding any of these activities into your new daily routine will also add some extra fun!

The Great Outdoors!

As you are probably aware, the latest guidelines from the government are allowing families to spend more time in public places outside, while continuing to stick to social distancing rules. Why not enjoy some fresh air in the great outdoors with our rainbow trail challenge, or outdoor bingo - but please bear in mind the latest official advice which can be read here. Enjoy the sunshine, stay alert, stay safe.



Equipment needed:

  • Free colour charts/ sheets of different colour paper/ pictures from magazines

  • Scissors

  • Small box or envelope

What to do:

  1. Cut up a paint colour chart/ picture from magazine into its separate colours squares. Put the squares into the container.

  2. If possible, visit your local park or woodland or just go out for a walk down the street.

  3. Each player chooses a colour square from the box or envelope. No peeking!

  4. Try to find an object in the area that matches your colour square. Take a photograph of it.

  5. When you have photographed your matching colour, return the colour sample to the box/ envelope and take out another colour sample. What will you find this time?

Further challenge:

  • Everyone has the same colour. First person to find a matching colour object is the winner.

  • Use texture instead of colour e.g. find objects that are gritty, smooth, soft, etc.

Other options:

  • Can you run to find the objects instead of walking?

  • Can you explore a wider area?

  • Can you find more than one object to match your colour?


Over Your Head Target Drop with Feet


- 5 rolled up pairs of socks or 5 rolled up old t-shirts – these will be the ‘balls’

- Any container that can be your target box like this. The smaller the box, the harder the skill

What to do:

1.Make sure you’ve warmed up and stretched!

2.Put your box on the floor. Make sure there is space around the box

3.Now sit on the floor with your back to the box. Sit up, legs straight out in front of you, with your rolled up ‘balls’ at your feet.

4. There should be a gap between you and the box. You may need to move further or closer to your box once you’ve mastered the skill

5.Now grab one of your rolled up ‘balls’ between your feet

6.Roll backwards supporting your lower back (as in the picture)

7.Now drop your rolled up ‘ball’ from your feet into your box

8.Repeat until all 5 ‘balls’ are in the box!

-You are allowed to move the box closer or further away from you to make the overhead drop easier or harder

-If you have the space, you could put your 5 ‘balls’ in a wide circle with the box in the middle. Then crawl on all fours with your tummy facing to the ceiling to pick up each ‘ball’, crawl back to the box and overhead drop (like above) into the box.

Have FUN!


Outdoor BINGO

Download and print the bingo sheet (see right). Can you spot the objects when you next go walking or are in your garden?

Cross of the objects as you see them. Can you get one horizontal line? Or even two lines! Can you be the first person in your household to get a full house = BINGO! Congratulations you are a winner.


Get Active with Hannah

Move with Matt

website of the week

HWSSP Recommended Website of the week
The Wildlife Trusts are doing '30 days wild' with downloadable activity sheets. Activities such as building a bird feeder, creating a hedgehog home and lots more will provide 'random acts of wildness' throughout June.


This week - Logic Puzzle
