Let's keep active!

Welcome to our new online activity centre!

Hertford and Ware School Sports Partnership want to help you to be active whilst the coronavirus outbreak is keeping us all at home. We hope that adding any of these activities into your new daily routine will also add some extra fun!

International Dance Day

Every year, April 29th is the moment on the calendar when everyone is invited to take part in International Dance Day. The lockdown hasn't stopped the dancing - although we can't meet in out usual dance classes, now our teachers are beamed directly to our homes and we can dance as if no-one is watching! So this week we invite you to Keep Dancing - make sure you try Hannah's International Dance Day video - see below. Younger children may also like to try CBeebies Andy's Wild Workouts


Personal Challenge Week 6 - Learn to juggle


2 rolled up balls of socks or

2 rolled up balls of newspaper or

2 soft balls (about the size of tennis balls)

Also - download our juggle instructions to see diagrams

Step 1: With one ball practice throwing it underhand in a upside down U shape from one hand (H) to the other like this

Try to keep your hands exactly in the same position when throwing and catching the ball

Whichever hand you feel more confident at starting your throw…let’s call the ball in this hand ‘Ball 1’

Step 2: When you have mastered Step 1, then it’s time to bring in the 2nd ball

So now you have one ball in each hand.

You will start your 2 ball juggle with ‘Ball 1’

Start your Ball 1 throw (just as you’ve practiced in Step 1)

When Ball 1 is near the middle of its upside down U shape (see diagram X ) this is when you you start the throw of Ball 2 in its upside down U shape

The rhythm of your juggling should be “throw (ball 1)…throw (ball 2)catch (ball 1)…catch (ball 2)”

Step 3: Extreme Challenge: Can you now use a third ball?


Download juggling instructions with diagrams


Book Balance

What you need: A book or anything really that you can balance on your head!

People: 1 or more

Play: Inside or outside

Ø Start with balancing a book on your head. Shoulders back, eyes forward.

Ø Can you move around the room keeping the book on you head?

Ø Add in obstacles – stepping over cushions, swerving around teddies, going under tables.

Ø Can you sit down and stand up with the book staying on your head?

Ø Can you lie down and get up again?



Equipment needed:

  • 1 tennis balls or equivalent size

  • Rope or line

How to play:

1. Mark out a tennis court. Use a rope as a net or socks etc as court markings.

2. One player stands each side of the net.

3. The aim is to throw the tennis ball underarm over the net into a space on your opponent’s side of the court.

4. If the ball bounces twice, you score a point, but if you throw it out of the court, your opponent scores 1 point.

5. Make sure you start the game by serving from the back of the court.

6. The first player to score 10 points is the winner.

Further challenges:


· Make the court smaller so the spaces are harder to find.

· The ball is only allowed to bounce once.


· Use larger ball.

· Allow more bounces.

Other options:

· You can play doubles, 2 players on each side.

Get Active with Hannah


This week - Snakes and Ladders with a Twist!


website of the week

HWSSP Recommended Website of the week
The Daily Mile at Home - Each week 3 new #DailyMileChallenges will be announced to keep children and their families active.