Project Co-Director

Interim Associate Provost at QC

Project Co-Director

Dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at QC

Project Coordinator at QCC

Associate Dean for Academics at QCC

External Evaluator

Principal Consultant and Senior Researcher, Kate Winter Evaluation, LLC

Project Manager & Director of Learning Collectives

Senior Research Scholar

Robert Hintze

Program Consultant

Michael Joseph

Associate Project Manager

Director of Pedagogy & Learning Collectives Faculty Advisor

Assistant Professor in Elementary and Early Childhood Education at QC

Vishal Vig

QC Biology Lab Manager

Former Peer Mentor Manager

Learning Collectives Faculty Advisor

Professor in Secondary Education and Youth Services at QC

Learning Collectives Faculty Advisor

Chemistry and Biochemistry at QC

Learning Collectives Faculty Advisor

Secondary Science Education Program at QC

Learning Collectives Faculty Advisor

Biology at QCC

Learning Collectives Faculty Advisor

Education at QCC