Team Bios

Allan Edmond

Project Manager & Director of Learning Collectives

Allan Edmond received his undergraduate degree in Psychology at Queens College in Spring 2017 and is currently working on a masters degree in Biology. Having started with the HSI-STEM Peer Mentor Program since its inception, Allan served as a Peer Mentor in Chem 113 for two semesters. After a year’s hiatus, Allan took the opportunity to continue to work with the HSI-STEM Program in an administrative capacity to provide further support to the Peer Mentor community and the HSI-STEM staff as a whole. Outside of his work with the HSI-STEM grant, Allan also is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Biology Department where he teaches meme-filled, community structured laboratory sections for Bio 105. He enthusiastically uses many of the pedagogical techniques he learned as a Peer Mentor in his current teaching role. Currently, Allan is (patiently) awaiting acceptance to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry but in the future, plans to attend medical school.

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