Team Bios

Dan Weinstein

Project Co-Director

Interim Dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at QC

Dr. Dan Weinstein received his B.S. in Biology from Yale University and his Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology from The Rockefeller University. After a postdoctoral fellowship, also at The Rockefeller University, Dr. Weinstein began his independent research career as an Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He was promoted to Associate Professor at Mount Sinai before coming to Queens College as an Associate Professor in the fall of 2008.

Now a Professor of Biology, Dr. Weinstein oversees a research laboratory focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying pattern formation during early vertebrate development. He and the undergraduate and graduate students in his lab perform studies on embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis. Dr. Weinstein has authored two dozen research articles and several influential reviews, and has been principal investigator on extramural grants totaling over $3.9M. Since coming to Queens College, Dr. Weinstein has been heavily involved in service to the college, including serving seven years as Director of the Master’s Program in Biology, two years as Deputy Chair of Biology, and the past two years as Chair of Biology.​ He is currently serving the Queens College community as the Interim Dean of Math and Natural Sciences.

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