Town Hall

Built in 1808

The little Town Hall, square and aloof, looks older than its years, which go back only to 1808, when the present building was built near the site of a former one that had fallen into decay. It was built at a cost of £755.

When first erected the basement of the building incorporated a reading room and small library, where the public were admitted on payment of 1s.6d., per quarter. Until the late 1930s the Town Hall also housed the local "Lock Up" and acted as the Court House for the Town.

The building is still the centre of Local Government for the Town, with the top floor of the building housing the imposing Town Council Chamber. It is here that the Borough Charters, Town Mace and other antiquities depicting the history of Higham Ferrers are housed.

The war memorial was unveiled on 12 September 1921.