Church House

Grade II Listed Building

There is a reference to this house in 1526 when William Gough, a Northampton mercer, left it in his will to his wife Elizabeth describing it "my house next the Church Style with the backside in St Botolph's yard". St Botolph's is now College Street.

William Gough died in 1528. His widow Elizabeth married Laurence Washington who took over the house and also the Lease that Gough had held on Rectory Farm at Higham. Elizabeth died without issue.

Washington married Amy Pargeter of Sulgrave in about 1538. They appear to have lived at Higham until about 1549, prior to moving to Sulgrave. (See further reference to the Washington connection under Manor House).

Once occupied by Headmasters of the Grammar School and Curates of the Parish Church, Church House has been privately owned since the beginning of the last century.

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