Churchyard Group

St. Mary's Church | Chantry Chapel | Bede House

Many a cathedral is screened from the view of people passing beneath its shadow. In Higham Ferrers the parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary has the same kind of seclusion. To approach it from College Street you must locate the small opening between the coffee shop and the line of square looking, dignified houses fringing the Market Square. No-one with an eye for the ancient and beautiful should ignore that opening.

What stands beyond the short passageway is a rarity, even in a country where almost every town and village has a church of some consequence, a whole group of ecclesiastical buildings worthy to be compared with more famous places.

The church alone has a reputation that brings connoisseurs to the town; but there are also within its grounds a chantry chapel of lovely design, the interesting Bede House that Henry Chichele gave, and the 600-year old churchyard cross.

As we face the church at the entrance passage, we see Church House on the right.

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