Course #: 1350 

CHEMISTRY Video Description

Grades: 9*, 10, 11, 12 

Credit: 1 Credit 

Career Zone: EMIT, HES, MMC 

Prerequisite: Biology credit and Algebra 1 credit or with teacher recommendation, *open to 9th grade students with Algebra 1 credit and plan to take AP Science in 10th grade 

Chemistry is appropriate for students who plan to pursue post-secondary education.  Students who plan to do studies in the health sciences, engineering or those planning to take AP science courses should take this class.  Students will study principles and theories of chemistry while using mathematical skills to solve problems.  Students will be required to access information outside of the classroom and must be prepared daily.  Students will engage in laboratory activities and group discussions.  Access to technology (Spreadsheets, computer simulations, etc.) is required.  Coverage of topics will be at a pace and depth appropriate for college-bound students.  Topics include structure of atoms, arrangement of electrons, organization of the Periodic Table, bonding, gasses, changes in matter, stoichiometry, rates of reactions, and acids and bases.