Science Olympiad

Come learn more about what Science Olympiad team based events are like from Irvington High School students. 

Please join the Google Classroom where we will post all our materials and further announcements like the info for the zoom meeting. Even if you think that you can’t make every session, you can still join and come attend when you can as we will be teaching a different topic under biology and chemistry every week. If you miss a session, the slides and other resources we use will be posted after the session.

*note: no plans to form an elementary school competitive team.

Contact info (any questions regarding the club)





General information

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Come learn more about what Science Olympiad team based events are like from Irvington High School students. They will encourage the students to foster teamwork and collaboration while developing biology, chemistry, and various STEM skills. 

This club aims to go through each "event" or task that the Science Olympiad competition offers, such as Cell Biology, Astronomy, etc. for each session and give students insight into how they work. These sessions will also allow students to feel the real competition environment through our custom-made tests. 

*note: no plans to form an elementary school competitive team.

Information session

Wednesday, 2/7 3:30-4:30pm  in the Harvey Green MUR

General information

Tentative Schedule

Parent Help

The club will be supervised for the whole duration by either our parents or volunteers from the student's families .