Quick Facts & Eligibility




Eligibility: Lady and junior girl golfers with a current factor of 15.0 or less

Cost: Congratulations to Mary Braithwaite for her hole in one at Cowichan in the final HE round of 2024.  For 2025  the cost to join will be $130.00.  $125.00 entrance fee plus $5.00 to replenish the hole in one fund.

$10/round for junior girls, plus one-time $5 hole-in-one insurance (cash, cheque or e-transfer payable to current Chair or treasurer)

Format: Stroke play, top three gross and top two net finishers win a golf ball!  RCGA Rules of Golf govern all play.

Season-long tournament: Must compete in at least half of the matches to be eligible for season-long prizes. Prizes are awarded based on aggregate gross and net score from 50% of the total medal rounds per season.

A player must be an accredited Golf Canada member of a Golf Club located within Zone 5.  

October 2021 AGM - A "member" is normally defined as a member at a private club, or in the case of membership at a public or semi-private course, it must be the premium membership option(s) available.  The purpose of the HE is to promote competitive women's golf.  All HE members are expected to play in at least one Zone 5, Provincial, or National sanctioned event.

Anyone with an index of 15.0 or less may join in 2023 provided that her index remains at 15.0. (Motion passed October 2014).  Yearly dues are $125.00 plus $5.00 for the hole in one fund.  Only new members will pay the hole in one amount until such time that the money is actually used for a hole in one.

If a member signs up for a game and her index factor goes up to a 15.1 or more the following Monday, she may play that day, but to an index of 15.0.  (Motion passed 2014)

The Chair (or Vice Chair if acting on behalf of the Chair) may play to a 15.0 at every round, even if her handicap goes up as well as at least one representative from the host club.

There are four tee times available for each round, if the draw is over subscribed the players with the lowest indexes will be given preference. The alternates will be added at the bottom of the draw, if a player has to cancel she must contact the first alternate on the list to fill the vacancy.

Zone 5 - Amateur, Senior and Handicap Tournament

You are encouraged to enter the Zone 5 Amateur/Senior, Provincial and National events when possible.

Note:  The Zone 5 committee would like to see all HE members enter the Zone 5 Amateur and/or Senior tournament, but not the Handicap division.  We receive endorsement from Zone 5, which is key to our existence.  

AGM Oct 2016 - Players registered to play Zones, HE events (Island Challenge, Huntting Cup) Provincials Nationals and/or BCGA Zone 5 sanctioned events, get priority for tee times for those host courses played prior to these sanctioned tournaments.

Juniors and Students ( who are under the age of 25 and attending school) are allowed to play for $10.00 per round, and may win a ball.  They are eligible for Annual Prizes if they have played in 50%  or more of the stroke play rounds.


12 rounds this season to be played on  seven 18 hole courses plus two rounds on a 9 hole course. 12 rounds played as medal events, the final round a fun team event.  Season winners are based on 50% of total medal rounds per season used in formula calculation. (Last game of season does not count, as it is to be a fun round.).                                           i.e.: 15 games  = 7 scores used etc.

Electric Carts may be used, but the draw will not be altered or made to accommodate those wishing to ride together. No rounds shall be postponed.  If the course is closed, the round is cancelled.


Individual Medal Rounds:  

 KP’s: One ball is to be given for each KP, one on the front nine and one on the back nine (motion passed Oct 2010)

Annual Awards:  First Gross $105.00, Second Gross $90.00, Third Gross $80.00 First Net $105.00, Second Net $80.00 script to be bought at recipients course of choice.

Silver Bowls are awarded to the Low Gross and Low Net winners together with the scripts.  Scripts are to be presented to 2nd  and 3rd  Low Gross and 2nd Low Net.  All ties are honoured. One individual may not win Gross and Net prizes.  

Score (gross or net)–the course rating X 113/course slope for the applicable tee.

The lowest average score designates the winner.


Carin Pot entry $2 per game.  Give exact change to the first person in your group and they will give to the designated distrbutor.

Players that have a deuce will split the pot for the day.

If there are no Carin Pot winners for an event, the people who entered will be recorded and eligible for a random draw at the AGM.   No double winners and you must be in attendance to collecct.


A player should submit their score as soon as possible on the day of play, after competition of their round, and before midnight (local time).  If a player does not submit their score on the day of play:


 The Huntting Cup team will be drawn from the players with the ten lowest indexes plus two Captains Picks.

Team selection to be made up of players that have  played in 20% of the schedule before the Huntting Cup selection date (one month prior to the HC) 

In 1997 it was moved that assistance be given at the discretion of the Chairman at the time of the Huntting Cup for travel expenses. The team travels for the day to Vancouver every second year.

TEAM SHIRTS 2024-2025

Traditionally in the HC matches the host teams wear white bottoms and the away team wears black bottoms.  Purple shirt was voted on for 2024-2025.  Alison Sweeten offered to help coordinate the shirts.


AGM, Dinner and Prizes will be given at the club that holds last round of the season.