Podcast & media contributions

Read here (in Tatar): If you don't speak Tatar in public, the language will not be used in public.

Interview as a member of the Twitter profile @yucunani in the blog Activismo de Lenguas, of Rising Voices

Invited at the podcast Much Language Such Talk: Episode S2 E6: Minoritized Languages - Guillem Belmar Viernes. 2021 December 9.

Invited at the podcast Field Notes: Catalan Language Revitalization with Guillem Belmar. Field Notes. 2021 August 28.

Invited at the podcast The Twitch Girl Pregunta A, sponsored by C Font Consultoria [in Catalan]: Llengües minoritzades, sociolingüística i llengua i empresa. The Twitch Girl Pregunta A. 2020 July 21.

Invited at the podcast Píndoles d'Antropologia (in Catalan): Videoentrevista amb Guillem Belmar, (socio)lingüista. Revitalització i documentació de llengües minoritzades. Píndoles d’antropologia. 2020 June 18.