


Belmar, Guillem. Forthcoming. Outsourcing translation of COVID-19 information into minoritized languages: the #europeminoritylanguages project. In Miren Manias Muñoz, Sergiusz Bober & Craig Willis (eds.), Minority Language Media: Current challenges in a fragmented mediascape. Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities.

Belmar, Guillem and Jeremías Salazar. Morphology and phonetic realization: lexical and morphological prenasalization in Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà ñuù Xnúvíkó (Mixtec). In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences, 3385-3389. Guarant International. 

Salazar, Jeremías, Guillem Belmar, Catherine Scanlon, Giorgia Troiani and Eric W. Campbell. 2021. Bridging diaspora: technology in the service of the revitalization of Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ. In Eda Derhemi (ed.), Endangered Languages and Diaspora – XXVI Annual Conference Proceedings, 176-185. Tirana, Albania: Foundation for Endangered Languages / QSPA.

Belmar, Guillem. 2021. Glocalisation, (Un)Markedness and Sustainable Multilingualism: Catalonia, the De-Territorialisation and De-Ethnicisation of Catlan. In Steven Byrne (Ed.), El Procés. Identity and Nation in 2st Century Catalonia, 265-283. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.  

Belmar, Guillem. 2020. A five-language island: (un)sustainable multilingualism in Sardinia. En Juan Jiménez-Salcedo, Christine Hélot, & Antoinette Camilleri-Grima (Eds.), Small is plurilingual: Language and Identities in micro-territories. Berlin: Peter Lang. 

Belmar, Guillem. 2020. Digital presence and language revitalization: attitudes towards and use of minority languages on social media, 201-218. En Lydia Sciriha (Ed.), Comparative Studies in Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers. 


Belmar, Guillem & Jeremías Salazar. 2023. Morphology and phonetic realization: lexical and morphological prenasalization in Sà'án Sàvǐ ñà ñuù Xnúvíkó (Mixtec). In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences, 3385-3389. Guarant International.


Belmar, Guillem. 2020. Digital presence and language revitalization: attitudes towards and use of minority languages on social media. In Lydia Sciriha (ed.), Comparative studies in Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, 199-216. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Salazar, Jeremías, Guillem Belmar, Catherine Scanlon, Giorgia Troiani & Eric W. Campbell. 2021.. Bridging diaspora: technology in the service of the revitalization of Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ. In Eda Derhemi (ed.), Endangered Languages and Diaspora - XXVI Annual Conference Proceedings, 176-185. Tirana, Albania: Foundation for Endangered Languages / QSPA. 


Belmar, Guillem. 2021. Glocalisation, (un)markedness and sustainable multilingualism: Catalonia, the de-territorialisation and de-ethnicisation of Catalan. In Steven Byrne (ed.), El Procés: Identity and Nation in 21st Century Catalonia, 265-283. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 


Belmar, Guillem. 2020. A five-language island: (un)sustainable multilingualism in Sardinia. In Juan Jiménez-Salcedo, Christine Hélot & Antoinette Camilleri-Grima (eds.), Small is Multilingual: Language and identity in micro-territories, 47-67. Berlin: P.I.E. - Peter Lang.