Conference Presentations (2023)

Glass, Maggie & Guillem Belmar. December 2023. Redefining virtual communities as breathing spaces: A revised approach LIPP-Symposium. München.

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Belmar, Guillem & Jeremías Salazar. December 2023. How to say no: a usage-based analysis of negation strategies in Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ. LIPP-Symposium. München.


Belmar, Guillem & Jeremías Salazar. 2023. Unidades prosódicas como plantillas para gramaticalización: cláusulas de complemento y cláusulas de relativo no restrictivas en Sà'án Savǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ (Mixtepec Mixtec). 10th Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latina America. University of Texas at Austin. 


Parkman, Eunae, Bao-Minh Nguyen-Phuc, Daniel Slaton, Ashley Chang, Salustia Ávila, Javier García, Abigail Hernández, José Luís Mendoza, Jeremías Salazar, Guillem Belmar, & Eric W. Campbell. October 2023. Medical terminology for Mixtec languages. Osteopathic Medical Education Conference - OMED23. Orlando, Florida. 


Belmar, Guillem & Jeremías Salazar. August 2023. Morphology and phonetic realization: lexical vs. morphological prenasalization in Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Ñuù Xnúvíkó (Mixtec). 20th International Congress of Phonetics Science. Prague.  


Belmar, Guillem. July 2023. The expression of ‘already’ in Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ. Workshop on ‘already’ markers, iamitives & related expressions. 


Belmar, Guillem. July 2023. Polite minorization: linguistic substitution to save face. 14th Symposium on Politeness: (Im)Politeness studies: new frontiers, synergies and perspectives. Universidade da Madeira, Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades, Funchal. 


Belmar, Guillem & Jeremías Salazar. May 2023. From grammar to discourse and back to grammar: the complicated story of ‘thing’ in Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ. Discourse Markers – Theories and Methods. Université Paris Cité, Paris. 

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Belmar, Guillem, Melanie Winn, Janeth Quintero, Angel Hurtado, & Jeremías Salazar. May 2023. Talking about talk: Reflections on intelligibility, language, and belonging in two Mixtec varieties. 26th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction and Social Organization. University of California, Santa Barbara.


Martínez Hernández, Carmen, Griselda Reyes Basurto, Jeremías Salazar, Sandra Auderset, Guillem Belmar, Eric W. Campbell, Simon L. Peters & Giorgia Troiani. April 2023. Trabajos sobre lenguas mixtecas en California, parte 2: resultados. Congreso sobre Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas IX. Centro Cultural San Pablo, Ciudad de Oaxaca. 


Ávila, Salustia, Javier García, Abigail Hernández, José Mendoza, Jeremías Salazar, Nayra Pacheco Guzmán, Guillem Belmar & Eric W. Campbell. April 2023. Glosario indígena: Justicia lingüística y documentación para proveer el apoyo a un cambio. Workshop on Ameirican Indigenous Languages - WAIL. University of California, Santa Barbara.

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Salazar, Jeremías, Griselda Reyes Basurto, Guillem Belmar & Eric W. Campbell. 2023. Shifting the center from language to community: community-led collaboration documenting Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ  (Mixtepec Mixtec). International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation: centering justice in language work. University of Hawai'i at Manoa. 


Campbell, Eric W., Guillem Belmar, Jeremías Salazar, & Martín Gabriel Ruiz. 2023. From ELAN to bi-/trilingual story books + audiobooks. Workshop in the special session: Engaging the Community: Using field methods classes for community outreach. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA).

Materials for this workshop can be found here.


Salazar, Jeremías, Martín Gabriel Ruiz, Raul Diaz Robles, Eric W. Campbell, Guillem Belmar, Maya Wax Cavallaro, Delaney Gomez-Jackson, John Duff, Mykel Loren Brinkerhoff, & Claire Miller Willahan. 2023. Story books as outcomes from Field Methods classes: P’urhépecha, Sàꞌán Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ and Santiago Laxopa Zapotec. Paper in the special session: Engaging the Community: Using field methods classes for community outreach. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA).


Troiani, Giorgia, Jeremías Salazar, & Guillem Belmar. 2023. Localizing a simple platform game: Sàꞌán Sàvǐ Catch Game. Workshop in the special session: Engaging the Community: Using field methods classes for community outreach. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA).

Materials for the tutorial can be found here.


Troiani, Giorgia, Jeremías Salazar, Guillem Belmar, Andrew Hedding, John Duff, Matthew Kogan, Natalia Gracida Cruz, & Fe Silva Robles. 2023. Developing computer games in field methods classes: A tool for language teaching and revitalization. Paper in the special session: Engaging the Community: Using field methods classes for community outreach. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA).


Belmar, Guillem, Jeremías Salazar, Martín Gabriel Ruiz, & Dinyan Zhou. 2023. Establishing a Social Media presence: designing a sustainable Word of the Day Campaign. Paper in the special session: Engaging the Community: Using field methods classes for community outreach. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA).

Further resources accompanying this presentation can be found here.