Leveling FAQ:

How do I meet up with my friends if we picked different races? If you’re trying to meet up in one zone with your friends, all starter area waypoints are unlocked at the start. Open your map and zoom out and you’ll be able to find each other as blue dots on the map if you’re in the same party.

Do I have to talk to any quest givers or turn quests in? No, as long as you see a heart progress bar on the top right of your screen, you are within range of completing it. It will tell you what tasks contribute towards completion of the heart. Some methods are faster than others and occasionally you’ll have hearts that require you to use your brain a bit or talk to NPCs. Once you complete a heart, an NPC will sell you items in exchange for karma, which is a type of currency you’ll receive throughout your adventures. Make sure to check to see if you can get anything useful from karma merchants once you complete a renown heart.

Are there things that are not marked on the map? Yes, there are hidden mini-dungeons and jumping puzzles throughout the world. Some of them are very tricky to find without looking them up, but I’ll leave that up to you! I’ll just say that some of my favorite places are ones that are quite hidden and tucked away. There are always new things to discover throughout the world, and that’s one of the best parts of the game.

What are these events that pop up? As previously mentioned, dynamic events are amongst the best content you can find in the open world. Many of them have long chains that differ based on player action (or inaction). If you’re new, I recommend participating in events as they offer good rewards (especially if it’s an area where the event helps you complete a renown heart at the same time).

Where’s my mount?

If you own either Path of Fire or End of Dragons, you should be given access to the raptor mount as long as one of your characters has hit level 10. If you have an old account with characters that have surpassed level 10, the game will attempt to unlock the raptor mount for you at level 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80.

Below is the old-school method of unlocking the raptor, that involves spoilers, but allows you to unlock the raptor immediately after completing the tutorial.

Have a guildie or friend complete the first Path of Fire mission for you. It can even be done if you’re a level 2 character fresh out of the tutorial. For the helpful friend/guildie, follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure everyone who wants credit is in Lion’s Arch

  2. Open your story journal and select Sparking the Flame and replay

  3. Read the mail you receive

  4. Do NOT head to the green marker. You can skip that part

  5. TP to [&BA8EAAA=] and head to the purple marker pictured below

  6. Everyone needs to accept/click on yes once you start.

  7. Have all the lower level players stay back and higher level characters can help out. Minor spoilers involved, but everyone can help put out the fires. If you just need the raptor, have everyone speak to Aksim after completing the heart. If you need to unlock masteries, the rest of the mission must be completed.